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Or, better still, we could hire Siebe and Gorman's patent pontoon, which, if I mistake not, is much the same thing that I now suggest carried out to perfection." "I'm not sure that the pontoon you speak of has been launched yet. I'm afraid it's only in model," said Baldwin. "More's the pity," rejoined Edgar, "but I can go to London and ascertain.

The lamp referred to was also a novelty, inasmuch as it was supplied with air by a separate tube from the reservoir in the same way as if it were a separate human diver. The Henkie and Davis lamp burns, on the other hand, entirely without air, by means of certain acids. That of Siebe and Gorman is an electric-lamp. Both are said to be effective and economical.

In the large piece of water in the northern part of the gardens, which has been deepened on purpose, apparatus in connection with diving will be seen; and hard by, in a shed, Messrs. Siebe, Gorman & Co. will show a selection of beautiful minute shells dredged from the bottom of the Mediterranean.

"Ah, then you are not bigotedly attached to that of your employer like some of your fraternity with whom I have conversed?" "I am attached to Siebe and Gorman's dress," returned Baldwin, "but I am no bigot. I believe in every thing and every creature having good and bad points.

"Yes most, but not all, that's where it lies, sir. You've often seen Siebe and Gorman's dresses, but did you ever see this helmet made by Heinke and Davis?" "No, I don't think I ever did." "Or that noo helmet wi' the speakin'-toobe made by Denayrouze and Company, an' this dress made by the same?"

However, here we are, and here we must go to work with a will, whatever the depth be. You and I, Joe, shall descend first. The others will look after us. I'll put on a Siebe and Gorman dress. You will don one of Heinke and Davis, and we'll take down with us one of Denayrouze's lamps, reserving Siebe's electric light for a future occasion."

It has now been brought to a high state of perfection by the well-known submarine engineers Siebe and Gorman, Heinke and Davis, and others, of London, and Denayrouze of Paris. It encases the diver completely from head to foot, is perfectly water-tight, and is made of thick sheet india-rubber covered on both sides with tanned twill the helmet and breast-plate being metal.

The diving-dress was greatly improved by Mr Deane, and in the recovery of guns, etcetera, from the wreck of the Royal George, in 1834 to 1836, as well as in many other operations, this dress much improved, and made by Mr Siebe, under Deane's directions did signal service.

If the rock in the fair-way is got ready before my return, blast it at once, without waiting for me. You will find one of Siebe and Gorman's voltaic batteries in my lodging, also a frictional electrical machine, which you can use if you prefer it. In the store there is a large supply of tin-cases for gunpowder and compressed gun-cotton charges.

"Well, no," replied the youth, scribbling out the head, "that's not one of Siebe and Gorman's appliances, and yet I venture to prophesy that that head will have a good deal to do with the raising of the Seagull! However, don't let's waste more time. Here you are.