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"Yes most, but not all, that's where it lies, sir. You've often seen Siebe and Gorman's dresses, but did you ever see this helmet made by Heinke and Davis?" "No, I don't think I ever did." "Or that noo helmet wi' the speakin'-toobe made by Denayrouze and Company, an' this dress made by the same?"

However, here we are, and here we must go to work with a will, whatever the depth be. You and I, Joe, shall descend first. The others will look after us. I'll put on a Siebe and Gorman dress. You will don one of Heinke and Davis, and we'll take down with us one of Denayrouze's lamps, reserving Siebe's electric light for a future occasion."

It has now been brought to a high state of perfection by the well-known submarine engineers Siebe and Gorman, Heinke and Davis, and others, of London, and Denayrouze of Paris. It encases the diver completely from head to foot, is perfectly water-tight, and is made of thick sheet india-rubber covered on both sides with tanned twill the helmet and breast-plate being metal.

She is credited with a number of organ fugues, as well as a piano sonata. Coming to the less usual instruments, Ottilie Heinke, who lives in Berlin, has composed two 'cello romances, besides worthy piano music. Sophie Seipt, of Cologne, has also published a number of 'cello pieces. Caroline Krämer became a virtuoso on the clarinet, and wrote a good many pieces for that instrument.

There also you will find one of Heinke and Davis's magneto-electric exploders. I leave it entirely to your own judgment which apparatus to use. All sorts are admirable in their way; quite fresh, and in good working order. Have you anything to say to me before I go?" "All right, sir," replied Joe, in his sprawly hand; "I'll attend to orders. When do you start, and when do you expect to be back?"