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"Big Landis lost his nerve and sidestepped at the last minute, and then the whole gang faded." That was the way the rumors of the affair always ended at each repetition in Lebrun's and Milligan's that night.

But a shade more quickly, Jim sidestepped the terrible mandibles, leaped back along the armored body till he had reached the unarmored rear, and thrust his spear home with all his force. The hideous guard reared with pain and rage. But this was no worker termite, to be killed with a thrust. As though nothing had happened, the huge hulk wheeled around.

They had difficulty in riding the trail side by side, for though the roan was somewhat rested by the delay at Eldara it was impossible to keep him up with Bard's prancing piebald, which sidestepped at every shadow. Yet the tenderfoot never allowed his mount to pass entirely ahead of the roan, but kept checking him back hard, turning toward Nash with an apology each time he surged ahead.

Bertie brought home the news at six o'clock. Mrs. Crocks had a copy of the paper in her hands at six-fifteen. Meanwhile, George Steadman, was feeling the need of counsel. His head swam, and a cruel sense of injustice ate into his heart. He was a quiet man he did not deserve this. All his life he had sidestepped trouble and here it was staring him in the face.

But at length he overdid the thing; for, drawing his shortsword, he hurled it, javelinwise, at my body, at the same instant rushing upon me with his long-sword. A single sweeping circle of my own blade caught the flying weapon and hurled it clattering against the far wall, and then, as I sidestepped my antagonist's impetuous rush, I let him have my point full in the stomach as he hurtled by.

There is a line of Browning's that should stand as epitaph for Theodore Roosevelt: "I WAS EVER A FIGHTER." That was the essence of the man, that the keynote of his career. He met everything in life with a challenge. If it was righteous, he fought for it; if it was evil, he hurled the full weight of his finality against it. He never capitulated, never sidestepped, never fought foul.

He consistently sidestepped the thorny issues of just how destabilizing to the economy the bursting of asset bubbles is and how his policies may have contributed to the froth. Greenspan and his ilk seem to be fighting yesteryear's war against a long-slain monster.

Goldberg was no ordinary fool. He sidestepped defeat by an assumption of frankness. "Tell us about it. If I have spoken harshly it is only reasonable. Tell us under what circumstance you met her highness and how she happened to tell you this very important news. Every one knows that this marriage is to take place." Gretchen nodded. "Nevertheless, her highness has changed her mind."

"I'll have my chauffeur call for you at 8:30," he arranged, "and meanwhile I'll be getting things into shape here. By the way" his voice took on a reassuring note "you sidestepped my rooftree this evening, and I gathered that you were not in the mood for meeting people." I murmured some insincere assurance to the contrary, which did not beguile him.

Suddenly one of the Germans sprang forward and aimed a vicious blow at Jack with his knife. The move had been so unexpected, retreating as the men had been, that Jack was almost caught off his guard. He sidestepped quickly, however, and avoided the knife. But in leaping aside he had jostled Harris, who, dodging a blow aimed by the second German, now was thrown off his balance.