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Although fired upon by two pieces of artillery from the eminence, they lost no one, and after a few rounds the rebel guns were silenced, and the gallant attack by the infantry under Colonel Steadman of the 14th Ohio, Colonel Dumont, 6th Indiana, and Colonel Milroy, 9th Indiana, at the same time, drove them from their position.

Anyone who wanted a telephone, had to "see Mr. Steadman." The young people who went to the city to find employment, were wise to see Mr. Steadman before they went. So although he was not liked, he had a prestige which was undeniable. Mr. Steadman began his remarks by saying how glad he was to be offered the chair on this glad occasion.

The afternoon sun was flooding the whole landscape with the golden glory of a burnished shield as Keith Steadman, the outcast, sat on a mountain ridge looking down upon the village of the fierce Quelchie Indians. His clothes were torn and tattered, his bronzed face and hands scratched and bleeding. Gaunt, footsore and hungry, he presented a forlorn figure, a mere speck on the mountain's brow.

Steadman began, without replying to the editor's friendly greeting: "Who writes this balderdash from our district," he asked harshly. "Professional secret," replied Mr. Driggs, speaking through his shut teeth, for he did not wish to dislodge his pipe; the last time he let it out of his mouth he had had no end of a time finding it. "Never give away names of contributors, not etiquette."

Steadman had taken away his fur-lined cloak. 'I had really underrated the disagreeableness of the English climate. It is abominable! 'To-day is not a fair sample, answered her ladyship, trying to be cheerful; 'we have had some pleasant autumn days. 'I detest autumn! exclaimed Lord Maulevrier. 'a season of dead leaves, damp, and dreariness.

"He asked about teachers, and about how far it was to Watsons." Mr. Driggs and Mr. Steadman's eyes met. "If he's any place," said Bertie cheerfully, "he'll be there." To the Watson's Mr. Steadman and Mr. Driggs determined to go, although, by this time the evening was well advanced.

But I guess they would be glad to get out and do something after sitting there all cramped up with their feet asleep for the whole winter." "Still, I remember when Mr. Steadman was Councillor here, and there was a bridge built over Pine Creek he only let the contract he did not build it it was his brother who built it!"

Four minutes James Steadman, who learned last year, has shorn down one side of his sheep; Jack Holmes and Gundagai Bill are well down the other sides of theirs; when Billy May raises himself with a jerking sigh, and releases his sheep, perfectly clean-shorn from the nose to the heels, through the aperture of his separate enclosure.

There was a queer thrill in the audience at this, for Bill Steadman had got the contract, in spite of the fact that he was the poorest builder in the country and the bridge had collapsed inside of two years. George Steadman winced at her words. But Pearl, apparently innocent of all this, went on in her guileless way: "I think Mr. Steadman is mistaken about women not wanting to sit in Parliament.

From one of these secret drawers the old man took a bunch of keys, nodding, chuckling, muttering to himself as he groped for them with tremulous hand. 'Steadman is uncommonly clever thinks he knows everything but he doesn't know the trick of this table. I could hide a regiment of Sepoys in this table, my dear.