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“I might’s well be hung for a sheep’s a lamb,” she remarked, as she slid in at Marcia’s kitchen door in the shadow of the morning-glory vines. “I’m goin’ to stay here a spell an’ get you some dinner while you go upstairs an’ lie down. You don’t need to go back to your aunt’s till near night, an’ you can wait till dusk an’ I’ll go with you. Then you needn’t be out alone at all.

One of them, for instance, had said at a public meeting: ‘This was the opinion he had formed of Dissenters, that they were wolves in sheep’s clothing.’ Whereupon B. B. wrote: ‘Wolves in sheep’s clothing! bitter words and big; But who applies them? first the speaker scan; A suckling Tory! an apostate Whig! Indeed a very silly, weak young man!

He was in his shirt sleeves, and was attired, for the most part, in a pair of sheep’s grey pantaloons, which were made to cover that fraction of his body between his ankles and his armpits; the little patch of shirt that was visible above the waistband of that garment, was streaked with irregular lines of dirty black, as if it had gone into half mourning for the scarcity of water.

A bunch of buckskin bags, one of the small blue medicine tubes, a mountain sheep’s horn, and a piece of undressed hide lay on the meal. Near by was a gourd half filled with water in which meal was sprinkled; near this was a small earthenware vase containing water and finely chopped herbs.

As the gods approached the sweat house, the patient came out and sat upon the blanket, and Hasjelti took a mountain sheep’s horn, in the right hand and the piece of hide in the other and rubbed the sick man, beginning with the limbs; as he rubbed down each limb, he threw his arms toward the eastern sky and cried "yo-yo!"

So also might the liquor derived from the sap or honey of the Getulian palm, and the sweet wine, called melilotus, made from the poetical fruit found upon the coast of the Syrtis. He would have been struck, too, with the sweetness of the mutton; but he would have asked what the sheep’s tails were before he tasted them, and found how like marrow the firm substance ate of which they consisted.

It would only destroy the Church to pretend to reform its dogma and revolutionize its discipline and government. Such an idea could proceed from no other source than the stratagems of unbelief, or from the snares of the wolf, who, in sheep’s clothing, seeks to insinuate himself into the fold.

Caiaphas pointed to the levites. ‘Here,’ he continued, ‘are witnesses.’ “He motioned; one of them stepped forward and spoke. “ ‘I testify that this man has incited to sedition by denouncing the members of this reverend council as hypocrites, wolves in sheep’s clothing, blind leaders of the blind; and I further testify that he has declared no one should follow them.’

It is necessary that we should know that wolves are abroad in sheep’s clothing; “false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.” They come to us with winning words and easy teachings, with new creeds, new forms of belief, new ways to the promised land.

The field glasses also told me that the boy’s shirt was trimmed with the same material, while a duplicate of the sheep’s collar formed a band which encircled his head, confining the long black hair and preventing it from falling over his face, but leaving it free to hang down his back to a point below the waist line.