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Updated: August 24, 2024

Everything must be measured and tested by money!" he said "And yet you senators talk of reform! of a 'new' world! of a higher code of conduct between man and man " "Yes, we talk" interrupted Gwent "But we don't mean what we say! we should never think of meaning it!" "'Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!" quoted Seaton with passionate emphasis. "Just so!

Is there any great gulf fixed between a Chaka and a Napoleon? At least they are not hypocrites, and they are not vulgar; that is the privilege of civilised nations. Well, with these folk Rachel was intimate. She could talk to the warrior of his wars, to the woman of her garden and her children to the children of that wonder world which surrounds childhood throughout the universe.

She never comes out to the services, yet she's been here for months. Says she has no use for 'them hypocrites, and 'don't want none of 'em near her. Says she'll curse 'em if they do come. Say, Mother Roberts, couldn't you make some excuse to get into her cell? We haven't the heart to see her deliberately go to hell." For a few minutes silence reigned, whilst I thought and inwardly prayed.

"Jane, if you will remember, he ran away himself; and you know that now I gladly would receive him: we are all prodigal sons together, and if God can bear with us, Jane, we ought to look kindly on each other." "Ha! that's always the way with old sinners like you canting hypocrites! Be a man, General Tracy, if you can, and talk sense.

One of two things has to be done: Either the Law must be covered with a veil and then it loses its full effectiveness, or it must be unveiled and then the full blast of its force kills. Man cannot stand the Law without a veil over it. Hence, we are forced either to look beyond the Law to Christ, or we go through life as shameless hypocrites and secure sinners.

Also children and fools are of the same temper with hypocrites as to this; they also love without ground, as the Pharisee, to flatter themselves in their own eyes. But not he that commendeth himself is approved. God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this Publican, &c.

This: you have made a sort of tabula rasa within yourself, and are ready to hear a sermon on morality that you will hear nowhere else; for mankind in the mass are even more consummate hypocrites than any one individual can be when his interests demand a piece of acting. Most of us spend a good part of our lives in clearing our minds of the notions that sprang up unchecked during our nonage.

"Think?" said the Jook: "why, I think that while ninety-nine women out of a hundred are hypocrites, not one in a thousand has the courage to atone for it by an avowal like yours. Not that it was exactly hypocrisy, either." The poor blundering Jook! Always saying the most maddening things under the firm conviction that it was the most delicate compliment.

And I saw that all had been the tormentors of their neighbors malicious, dishonest, hypocrites, liars, rogues, calumniators, envious; that they had stolen, deceived, performed every disgraceful, every abominable action, these good fathers, these faithful wives, these devoted sons, these chaste daughters, these honest tradesmen, these men and women who were called irreproachable.

But it is too late: the just turn away from the wretched damned souls which now appear before the eyes of all in their hideous and evil character. O you hypocrites, O, you whited sepulchres, O you who present a smooth smiling face to the world while your soul within is a foul swamp of sin, how will it fare with you in that terrible day?

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