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Fortunately, you don't look more than seven-and- twenty; and I really think, if you play your cards well, you may secure this country rector. A country rector is not much for a woman who has set her cap at a duke, but he is better than nothing; and as the case is really growing rather desperate, you must play your cards with unusual discrimination this time, Lydia. You must, upon my word."

Here she made a grimace, drawing her mouth down into the elongated frown of the famous Florentine, with such an irresistibly comic effect that Adderley gave way to a peal of hearty, almost boyish laughter. "That's right!" said Cicely approvingly "That's YOU, you know! It's natural to laugh at your age you're only about six or seven-and- twenty, aren't you?"

Such is the story of Medea da Carpi, Duchess of Stimigliano Orsini, and then wife of Duke Guidalfonso II. of Urbania. She was put to death just two hundred and ninety-seven years ago, December 1582, at the age of barely seven-and twenty, and having, in the course of her short life, brought to a violent end five of her lovers, from Giovanfrancesco Pico to Prinzivalle degli Ordelaffi. Sept. 20th.

Influenced by the belief of the British parent that a bad marriage with its aversions is better than free womanhood with its interests, dignity, and leisure, she had consented to marry the elderly wine-merchant as a pis aller, at the age of seven-and- twenty some three years before this date to find afterwards that she had made a mistake.

A young man with a Wellington nose, who had occupied a seven-and- sixpenny seat, made his way down the stone stairs when the opera ended, as if he were still set a little apart from his fellows by the influence of the music. At midnight Jacob Flanders heard a rap on his door. "By Jove!" he exclaimed.

Again he spoke very slowly, 'Where is OUR horse? There is but one horse in the White Hussars, and his portrait hangs outside the door of the mess-room. He is the piebald drum-horse, the king of the regimental band, that served the regiment for seven-and- thirty years, and in the end was shot for old age. Half the mess tore the thing down from its place and thrust it into the man's hands.

Bixby stood by his wheel, silent, intent as a cat, and all the pilots stood shoulder to shoulder at his back. 'She'll not make it! somebody whispered. The water grew shoaler and shoaler, by the leadsman's cries, till it was down to 'Eight-and-a-half!.... E-i-g-h-t feet!.... E-i-g-h-t feet!.... Seven-and Mr. Bixby said warningly through his speaking tube to the engineer 'Stand by, now!

Seven-and- thirty virtuous years at sea, of which over twenty of immaculate command, and the last fifteen in the Sephora, seemed to have laid him under some pitiless obligation. "And you know," he went on, groping shamefacedly amongst his feelings, "I did not engage that young fellow. His people had some interest with my owners. I was in a way forced to take him on.

He has had such openings at Liverpool posts of great trust and confidence in merchants' houses, which nothing but seven-and- sixpence was wanting to him to secure that I wonder he is not Mayor of that flourishing town at the present moment. The natural phenomena of which he has been the victim, are of a most astounding nature.