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Native servants beat the air around them with bamboo fans to keep off the insects, and the air was faint almost to noxiousness with the perfume of some sickly, exotic shrub. "Why, you're Devinter!" he exclaimed suddenly, "Sigismund Devinter! You were at Eton with me Horrock's House semi-final in the racquets." "And Magdalen afterwards, number five in the boat."

Never in the history of the house, or, at any rate, in the comparatively recent history of the house, had there been such a slump in athletic trophies. To begin with, they were soundly beaten in the semi-final for the House football cup by Allardyce's lot.

He JUST MISSED his "blue" at cricket, and but for an unfortunate ball dribbling over the net at a critical moment in the semi-final of the tennis championships, he MIGHT have won the cup. He was quite philosophic about it, though, and never appeared to reproach fate for treating him so shabbily. He was always NEARLY doing something, and kept Mrs.

Having exhausted the subject of finance or, rather, when I began to feel that it was exhausting me I took my clubs, and strolled up the hill to the links to play off a match with a sportsman from the village. I had survived two rounds, and expected to beat my present opponent, which would bring me into the semi-final. Unless I had bad luck, I felt that I ought to get into the final, and win it.

Luard for writing about a match in which I happened to beat her, as she is, and was then, a player altogether a class above me. No doubt it became "memorable," as I certainly never expected to win at the outset, and still less so when I was undergoing one of those ghastly "creep-ups" in the final set. It happened in 1904 at Wimbledon, on the centre court, in the semi-final of the Championship.

'Oh, curse, said Norris. For he had been hoping against hope that the parallel nature of the two incidents would be less apparent to other people than it was to himself. And so it came about that Leicester's passed successfully through the first two rounds and soared into the dizzy heights of the semi-final.

Later on, too, the crack Dumbartonshire eleven overthrew the Queen's Park in the semi-final of the charities, on Glasgow Green, by four goals to none. Well, it was on Tuesday evening, 20th May, that the battle came off on Old Hampden Park, and both the Rangers and Vale of Leven mustered in strong force. Lovely weather helped to swell the crowd, and some 12,000 people were inside the ground.

Upon the Saturday of the semi-final house match, in which the Manor had won a great victory by an innings and twenty-three runs, John went to Desmond's room after prayers. He noticed at once that his friend was unusually excited. John, however, attributed this to Caesar's big score. Success always inflamed Caesar, just as it seemed to tranquillize John.

"It's true," he said, "I didn't finish in the first ten in the Open, and I was knocked out in the semi-final of the Amateur, but I won the French Open last year." "The what?" "The French Open Championship. Golf, you know." "Golf! You waste all your time playing golf. I admire a man who is more spiritual, more intellectual." A pang of jealousy rent Cuthbert's bosom.

He played splendidly in France, defeating A. Cousin in the hard court championship of the world and forced Tegner, the Danish Davis Cup star, to a close battle before admitting defeat. His sensational play in the doubles was a great aid in carrying him and me to the semi-final ground, where we lost to Gobert and Laurentz after five terrific sets.