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A Dutch blacksmith and a German cooper each performed lithotomy on themselves for the intense pain caused by a stone in the bladder. Tulpius, Walther, and the Ephemerides each report an instance of self-performed cystotomy. The following case is probably the only instance in which the patient, suffering from vesical calculus, tried to crush and break the stone himself.

Menstruation returned three months after the operation, and in fifteen months the patient was in good health in every way, with no apparent danger of recurrence of the disease. Self-performed Surgical Operations. There have been instances in which surgeons and even laymen have performed considerable operations upon themselves.

On February 13, 1881, he was again found with mutilation of the external genitals, and again said he had been set upon by four men who had inflicted his injury, but as he wished it kept quiet he asked that there be no prosecution. Just before his death on December 31, 1881, he confessed that he had perjured himself, and that the mutilations were self-performed.

In desperation and fully believing in the efficacy of this treatment as the best means of permanently alleviating his pain, the crippled Scotchman heated a poker and applied the cautery himself. We have already mentioned the marvelous instances of Cesarean sections self-performed, and in the literature of obstetric operations many of the minor type have been done by the patient herself.