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At first he liked seeing him and setting things to rights; but he says he found what he did one day was undone the next, and he is in despair. The King has no constancy. There is no depending upon him from one day to another. Aberdeen says the accession of Rosslyn has not produced the effect we anticipated that Lord Grey is very hostile.

I think mine is a good cadre of a letter, but that specific instructions should be given to Lord Heytesbury as to what he shall endeavour to obtain in a separate despatch. Read my drafts to Lord Rosslyn after dinner. He seemed to think the view I took was the right, and that much of what I had written was very good, but that it might be shortened. So I think. October 15.

Out of this profession have sprung the peerages of Howard and Cavendish, the first peers of both families having been judges; those of Aylesford, Ellenborough, Guildford, Shaftesbury, Hardwicke, Cardigan, Clarendon, Camden, Ellesmere, Rosslyn; and others nearer our own day, such as Tenterden, Eldon, Brougham, Denman, Truro, Lyndhurst, St. Leonards, Cranworth, Campbell, and Chelmsford.

There will be 30,500 infantry, besides a very complete equipment of artillery, &c., 75 battering guns, 4,000 horses. They will probably be on the sea to-day. Rosslyn was talking yesterday of the danger from this expedition, and the annexation of Algiers to France.

The King did not address a word to me, who gave up the seal, or to Rosslyn, who received it. House. Nothing of moment. Dinner at Lord Bathurst's. Lord Rosslyn dined here. Aberdeen read a paper lately received from the Russians, in which they concede all we ask about blockades, &c., except as to the Gulf of Enos.

I can see that Peel, Fitzgerald, Herries, Rosslyn perhaps Sir G. Murray will be against the Company. The Duke said it was clear to him that the remittances must be made in goods, and could not be made by bills. He is for the monopoly. In a few days the papers will be printed. A copy will then be furnished to each member of the Government, and I shall receive their observations.

He had opposed the whole bill, and we defeated him in the Lords when he attempted to throw it out a very extraordinary event in those days. But Rosslyn, Holland, and others who had charge of the bill, were apprehensive of being beaten on a further stage if we held out on the exemptions. I venture to refer to it, however, as the most remarkable I ever made in all respects.

They got three county members to speak for others. The Whigs did not like the motion, and were unwilling to divide. Robert Grant divided the House. The King was delighted with the division. He came to town to-day, almost for nothing, and received the Duke and others. He sent for Lord Rosslyn and told, him he had made his regiment the Queen's Own.

I took a more active part than usual in the conversation. Lord Rosslyn, having just lost his son, is gone to Tunbridge Wells, and the offer of the Privy Seal will be postponed till after to-morrow, when the King is to see Best at two, and it is hoped the Duke may be able to tell Rosslyn that Scarlett is to be Attorney-General. May 26.

He approved of the address. Rosslyn, was with him. I told him how ill Peel seemed. He said he would go to see him. House. The Duke moved the Address. He gave a character of the late King as one of the most accomplished, able, and remarkable men of the age. I saw Lord Grey smile a little, but the House generally was grave and formal.