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Force is at best A fearful thing even in a righteous cause; God only helps when man can help no more. Here you can give us information. Speak! HUNN. I was at Rheinfeld, at the emperor's palace, Deputed by the Cantons to complain Of the oppression of these governors, And claim the charter of our ancient freedom, Which each new king till now has ratified.

I had him condemned by the Parliament of Toulouse to be torn in pieces by four horses, and here he dies quietly on the battlefield of Rheinfeld. But what matters? The result is the same. Another great head is laid low! How they have fallen since that of Montmorency! I now see hardly any that do not bow before me.

I had him condemned by the Parliament of Toulouse to be torn in pieces by four horses, and here he dies quietly on the battlefield of Rheinfeld. But what matters? The result is the same. Another great head is laid low! How they have fallen since that of Montmorency! I now see hardly any that do not bow before me.

STAUFFACHER. The king was riding down from Stein to Baden, Upon his way to join the court at Rheinfeld, With him a train of high-born gentlemen, And the young princes, John and Leopold. And when they reached the ferry of the Reuss, The assassins forced their way into the boat, To separate the emperor from his suite.

It was at the house of his father-in-law at Rheinfeld that he, Hans Kleist, and Herr von Below determined to call together a meeting of well-known men in Berlin, who should discuss the situation and be a moral counterpoise to the meetings of the National Assembly; for in that the Conservative party and even the Moderate Liberals were scarcely represented; if they did speak they were threatened by the mob which encumbered the approaches to the House.

Battle of Rheinfeld gained by Bernhard, Duke of Weimar. He takes Brisach. His death. Death of Ferdinand II. Ferdinand III. succeeds him. Celebrated Retreat of Banner in Pomerania. His Successes. Death. Torstensohn takes the Command. Death of Richelieu and Louis XIII. Swedish Victory at Jankowitz. French defeated at Freyburg. Battle of Nordlingen gained by Turenne and Conde.

I had him condemned by the Parliament of Toulouse to be torn in pieces by four horses, and here he dies quietly on the battlefield of Rheinfeld. But what matters? The result is the same. Another great head is laid low! How they have fallen since that of Montmorency! I now see hardly any that do not bow before me.