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It was a Sunday evening in early June and the hour for Vesper service at Saint Zita's convent. Reverend Mother mounted the staircase leading to the chapel, then paused, with her hand upon the door, to listen as the wonderful soprano again took up the refrain: "Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae."

In the end the fishermen left their boats and followed Him. De tot generibus operum quid utique ad piscaturam respexit ut, ab illa in apostolos sumeret Simonem et filios Zebedaei ... dicens Petro trepidanti de copiosa indagine piscium: ne time abhinc enum homines eris capiens.... Denique relictis naviculis secuti sunt ipsum...

"Quum subita in cantum dementia cepit amantem Ignoscenda quidem scirent si ignoscere manes; Restilit Eurydicengue suam jam luce sub ipsa Immemor heu victusque animi respexit." "Oh, stop that!" cried Walker, and Hatteras laughed. "For God's sake, stop it!"

But for a man to put the cheat upon himself; to play the Bobadil at home; and, steeped in poverty up to the lips, to fancy himself all the while chin-deep in riches, is a strain of constitutional philosophy, and a mastery over fortune, which was reserved for my old friend Captain Jackson. Sera tamen respexit Libertas. A Clerk I was in London gay.