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"Quum subita in cantum dementia cepit amantem Ignoscenda quidem scirent si ignoscere manes; Restilit Eurydicengue suam jam luce sub ipsa Immemor heu victusque animi respexit." "Oh, stop that!" cried Walker, and Hatteras laughed. "For God's sake, stop it!"

"Cum subita incautum dementia cepit amantem; Ignoscenda quidem, scirent si ignoscere Manes." I will not burthen your lordship with more of them, for I write to a master who understands them better than myself; but I may safely conclude them to be great beauties. And I rather fear a declination of the language than hope an advancement of it in the present age.

Lesbia's first infidelities only riveted her lover's chains Amantem iniuria talis Cogit amare magis; then he hangs between love and hatred, in the poise of soul immortalised by him in the famous verse Odi et amo: quare id faciam fortasse requiris; Nescio, sed fieri sentio et excrucior.

The rigors of mistresses are troublesome, but facility, to say truth, still more so; forasmuch as discontent and anger spring from the esteem we have of the thing desired, heat and actuate love, but satiety begets disgust; 'tis a blunt, dull, stupid, tired, and slothful passion: "Si qua volet regnare diu, contemnat amantem." "Contemnite, amantes: Sic hodie veniet, si qua negavit heri."