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Mebbee," he went on, executing a double shuffle in the dust and alternately striking his hands on the sides of his boots, "mebbee you're spyin' round and reportin' to the Judge." Firmly convinced that Jim was working himself up by an Indian war-dance to some desperate assault on himself, but resenting the last unjust accusation, Clarence had recourse to one of his old dogged silences.

About all we know of Old Jones is that he lives in a little back room down on lower Sixth Avenue with a mangy green parrot nearly as old as he is. They say he baches it there, cookin' his meals on a one-burner oil stove, never reportin' sick, never takin' a vacation, and never gettin' above Thirty-third Street or below Fourteenth.

Captain Cai hailed, and made across at once for the invalid chair: for Mr Rogers was his man of business. "Lost no time in reportin' myself, you see." Mr Rogers managed to lift his hand a little way to meet Captain Cai's grasp. "Eh? Eh? I've been moored here since breakfast on the look-out for 'ee." He spoke indistinctly by reason of his paralysis.

But if you say you're runnin' things, that makes it a whole lot different. We ain't buckin' 'Drag' Harlan's game." "Thank you," grinned Harlan. "I saw you reportin' to Miss Morgan. You're straw-boss, I reckon." "You've hit it. I'm Stroud Lafe Stroud." "You'll keep on bein' straw-boss," said Harlan, shortly. "I'm appointin' a foreman." "Where's Lawson?" It was Stroud who spoke.

" bein' delayed by minor defects in engine-room, did not, as we know, accompany Red Fleet's first division of scouting cruisers, whose rendezvous is unknown, but presumed to be somewhere off the Lizard. Cryptic an' Devolution left at 9:30 P.M. still reportin' copious minor defects in engine-room. Admiral's final instructions was they was to put into Torbay, an' mend themselves there.

I'm the official little ray of sunshine. See?" and I bobs my head so she can get a good view of my red thatch. "Huh!" says she; but she can't help lettin' out a grin, so I sees the cure has begun. "Don't you mind Piddie," says I. "He don't dare tie the can to you without reportin' higher up. He likes to make a noise like a watchdog, that's all. Next time you give him the merry chuckle."

"Yis," added Hennessey, "and didn't my Captain, after Chickamaugy, git us all new uniforms and complete kits, by reportin' iverything 'lost in action? Smart man, my Captain, Oi tell yez." "Well, I don't think any the more o' them for it.

So I well, I want her, that's all. I I want her!" "Huh!" says I. "Suppose you happened to get her? What would you " "Heaven only knows!" says he. "The question seems rather, what would she do with me? Hence the probation." "Is this going to be a long-distance tryout," says I, "with you reportin' for inspection every other Tuesday?" He says it ain't.

Robert, maybe I can put you next to somebody at Shuman's who can give you the dope. I got a friend up there Whitey Weeks. Used to do reportin'. Last time I met him though, he admitted modest that Alf. Shuman had come beggin' him to take full charge of the publicity end of all his attractions. So if anybody has had any late bulletins about Mr. Deems it's bound to be Whitey."

The old woman's dead. Tommy's staying at Welch's. My man's reportin' it this mornin'. Poor old woman, went off easy, I guess, but it's hard on the kid. Say, Miss, you oughtn' get close to her. It's awful catchin' and you c'n tell by the look o' her she's got it, too." And the neighbor edged away from Susy. In a sort of stupefied horror Robin looked at the neighbor, the wretched house and Susy.