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Is it quite true that, "non avium citharaeque cantus somnum reducent"? Would not even Damocles himself have forgotten the sword, if the lute-player had chanced on the notes that lull? The dinner was simple enough, but well dressed and well served. One footman, in plain livery, assisted Mr. Mills.

"I don't doubt it," said my father, ruefully; "only those doves, when they are small, are a very noisy sort of birds non talium avium cantos somnum reducent. However, it might have been worse. Leda had twins." "So had Mrs. Barnabas last week," rejoined the accoucheur. "Who knows what may be in store for you yet? Here's a health to Master Caxton, and lots of brothers and sisters to him."

"Non Siculae dapes Dulcem elaborabunt saporem: Non avium cyatheaceae cantus Somnum reducent." Do you think they can relish it? and that the fatal end of their journey being continually before their eyes, would not alter and deprave their palate from tasting these regalios? "Audit iter, numeratque dies, spatioque viarum Metitur vitam; torquetur peste futura."

"I don't doubt it," said my father, ruefully; "only those doves, when they are small, are a very noisy sort of birds non talium avium cantos somnum reducent. However, it might have been worse. Leda had twins." "So had Mrs. Barnabas last week," rejoined the accoucheur. "Who knows what may be in store for you yet? Here's a health to Master Caxton, and lots of brothers and sisters to him."