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Examination showed that the columns of the posterior wall were torn from their attachment, and that there was a rectovaginal fistula admitting the little finger. Hofmokl cites an instance in which a powerful young man, in coitus with a widow of fifty-eight, caused a tear of her fornix, followed by violent hemorrhage.

Mordie reported a case of congenital deficiency of the rectovaginal septum which was successfully remedied by operation. Anomalous Openings of the Vagina. The vagina occasionally opens abnormally into the rectum, into the bladder, the urethra, or upon the abdominal parietes.

A rectovaginal or vesical fistula could account for the presence of this worm had it been voided from the bowel; nevertheless the woman adhered to her statement that she had urinated the worm, and, as confirmatory evidence, never complained of pain after passing the animal. Morand mentions an instance in which a long wax taper was introduced into the bladder through the urethra by a man.

Engelmann operated on a large rectovaginal fistula in the sixth month of pregnancy without any interruption of pregnancy, which is far from the general result. Cazin and Rey both produced abortion by forcible dilatation of the anus for fissure, but Gayet used both the fingers and a speculum in a case at five months and the woman went to term.

After labor, sloughing of the parts commenced and progressed to such an extent that in one month there were no traces of the labia, nymphae, vagina, perineum, or anus. There was simply a large opening extending from the meatus urinarius to the coccyx. The rectovaginal septum, the lower portion of the rectum, and the neck of the bladder were obliterated.