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"I guess it'll be all" he broke off, and glanced out prairieward, but went on almost immediately, "a settlin'. I've seen you kind o' riled. And I've seen Jake." He stood up and peered into the darkness while he talked in his even monotone. "Yup," he went on, "ther's ways o' dealin' wi' men an' ways. Guess, now, ef you wus dealin' wi' an honest citizen you'd jest talk him fair.

His hand slowly went round to his right hip, and suddenly he turned on his friend with a look of desperate meaning. "D'you know what it'll be 'tween you two? This is what it means;" and he whipped out the heavy six that had once been "Tough" McCulloch's, and leveled it at arm's length out prairieward. Tresler thought it was coming at him, and sprang back, while Arizona laughed.

The mare might tire of the forest gloom and turn prairieward. These things suggested themselves merely as an excuse for his foolhardiness in remaining in the saddle, not that he had any hope of their fulfilment. And so it was. Nothing moved the animal out of her course, and it seemed almost as though a miracle were in operation.

He was chewing steadily, with his face turned prairieward, gazing out over the tawny plains as though nothing else in the world mattered to him. He looked up casually as Tresler came along, and edged along the blankets to make room, contenting himself with a laconic "Set." The two men sat in silence for some moments. The pale-faced cowpuncher seemed absorbed in deep reflection.