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He saw the people passing through the wide verandahs of the houses, like a vast colonnade, down the street, to be happily sheltered from the fierce sun. As he had come down from the hills he thought he had never seen the houses look more beautiful in their gardens of wild tamarinds, kennips, cocoa-nuts, pimentos, and palms, backed by negro huts.

He saw the people passing through the wide verandahs of the houses, like a vast colonnade, down the street, to be happily sheltered from the fierce sun. As he had come down from the hills he thought he had never seen the houses look more beautiful in their gardens of wild tamarinds, kennips, cocoa-nuts, pimentos, and palms, backed by negro huts.

But things which need to be crisply fresh, such as celery and lettuce, must be let severely alone. Stuffed Eggs: Staple for picnics, and barbecues. Boil twenty minutes, throw instantly in cold water, and shell immediately. Halve, mash yolks while hot with a plentiful seasoning of butter, pepper, salt, a little onion juice, capers or bigger pickle finely minced, and pimentos cut small.

And the tune of it goes like this: "Toasted Corn-Flake Co.," "Seaboard Rice," "Chili Products," "Red Bloom Grape Juice Sales Office," "Porto Rico and Singapore Pineapple Co.," "Sunnyland Foodstuffs," "Importers of Fruit Pulps, Pimentos," "Sole Agents U.S.A. Italian Salad Oil," "Raisin Growers," "Log Cabin Syrups," "Jobbers in Beans, Peas," "Chocolate and Cocoa Preparations," "Ohio Evaporated Milk Co.," "Bernese Alps and Holland Condensed Milk Co.," "Brazilian Nuts Co.," "Brokers Pacific Coast Salmon," "California Tuna Co.," and thus on and on.

25 pounds of round of beef 6 sweet peppers, or 1 can of Spanish pimentos 12 sweet turnips 1/2 bottle of Worcestershire sauce 1 cupful of flour 1 pound of suet 10 large onions 3 gallon cans of peas 12 carrots 1 jar of beef extract 4 tablespoonfuls of salt 4 tablespoonfuls of cornstarch 1/4 pound of butter Put the suet into a large kettle or in two smaller ones; try it out and remove the crackling.

"He's very fond of sauce verte," Nancy said hastily, "and apricot mousse and cèpes et pimentos, things that Gaspard can't make for the regular menu, bright colored things that Sheila loves to look at." "He likes petit pois avec laitue too and haricot coupé, and artichaut mousselaine. Sometimes when he does not want them Miss Dear eats them."

To a large heap of rice add the following: MEAT AND FISH Spiced beef, deviled soup meat, both fried with cocoanut shreds. Minced pork, baked. Fried fish, soused fish, and baked fish. Fried oysters and whitebait. Red fish. Deviled shrimps, chutney. Deviled pistachio nuts. Deviled onions sliced with pimentos. Deviled chicken giblets. Deviled banana tuft. Pickled cucumbers. Roast chicken, plain.

Next day line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves, fill in the salad and garnish with hard-boiled eggs, nuts, and capers. Pick or grind one thick slice of cold, cooked salmon. Make a dressing of mayonnaise, to which add one tablespoon of French mustard, one green onion chopped fine, one tablespoon of small Mexican peppers, one tablespoon of pimentos. Mix this dressing into the picked salmon.