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Craig glanced at Haddon, who now seemed absorbed in talking to Carton. "No one," he answered quickly. "Central told me there had not been a call from this pay-station for half an hour." "No one?" I echoed almost incredulously. "Then what did he do? Something happened, all right." Kennedy was evidently engrossed in his own thoughts, for he said nothing.

All that was needed was a telephone, and Romeo would have understood that Juliet was only feigning death for the sake of life with him. But, as in the case of our Danish knight, there was not a pay-station as yet in all the wide world, and it was fully five hundred years to the nearest telegraph office.

"I suppose he has, but we'll soon turn the tables." He leaned out and spoke a word to the driver, who drew up around the next corner in front of a telephone pay-station. "Come with me for just a minute, dear. I'll telephone to a detective bureau where they know me and have that man watched. He is unsafe to have at large." He helped her out and drew her arm firmly within his own.

Through goblin-haunted wildernesses he must go, through unmapped no-man's lands, and vacuum solitudes of the world's end, and peril and pestilence meet in every form, the face of his foe the friendliest thing in all his mysterious travel. Not a pay-station as yet in all the wide world, and fully five hundred years to the nearest telegraph office!

As we passed a corner, he paused, entered a drugstore and called up several numbers at a pay-station telephone booth. Then we turned into the campus and proceeded rapidly toward the laboratory of the psychological department. Gaines was there, sitting at his desk, writing, as we entered. "I'm glad to see you," he greeted, laying down his work.

Zita, hurrying out from the conservatory, and wishing to waste not an instant in notifying Balcom, sought a near-by telephone pay-station, and there in frantic haste she demanded Balcom's number. It was some moments before Central could make the connection, and then it was only to Zita's disappointment and growing fear. The Madagascan servant of Balcom answered in the absence of his master.

How were we to communicate with or warn the girl? for, of course, she had called up Indiman from a public pay-station, leaving no clew to her identity or address. Well, there was still the Personal column in the HERALD; it had reached her once and might again. "I am going down-town to the main office of the Western Union," said Indiman, "and may be away all day.

"Don't get cold feet, Haddon," urged Carton. "You'll be all right. I'll swing it for you." Haddon made no reply. At length he remarked: "You'll excuse me for a moment. I must telephone to my hotel." He entered a booth in the shadow of the back of the cafe, where there was a slot-machine pay-station.

In Boston, the first pay-station ran three months before it earned a dollar. Even as late as 1880, when the first National Telephone Convention was held at Niagara Falls, one of the delegates expressed the general situation very correctly when he said: "We were all in a state of enthusiastic uncertainty. We were full of hope, yet when we analyzed those hopes they were very airy indeed.

Shirley gave a quick call for "Information," and after several minutes learned that the call came from a drug store pay-station in Jersey City! The melodious tones were unmistakably those of the speaker who had used the wire from faraway Brooklyn where the house had been burned down!