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He knew that Eva was aware that Dora was her enemy. "But, master," persisted the Chinese, "you told me that this Miss Brent loves her father, and that she would do anything for his recovery. Let this lady tell her that the Madagascan has brought an antidote that will restore his reason. She will come here and we shall trap her." For a moment Paul stood in deep thought, then called to Dora.

Balcom, assisted by his Madagascan servant, was at the moment packing a trunk, perhaps preparatory to a hasty flight, should that become necessary. The moment the telephone rang he picked up the receiver and nearly choked with anger as he heard Dora's whispered voice over the wire.

In a slightly changed form it was the garroting-machine of old Spain. The Strangler tested the rope, twisted the wheel, while his companion occupied himself by watching the effect of the wheel on the noose on the other side of the partition. Apparently satisfied that the machine was in good working order, the Madagascan straightened up and waved his companion out of the room.

Her only comfort was the handle of the automatic that the butler had pressed on her as she was leaving home. "This Madagascan with the antidote," asked Eva, tremulously, "where is he?" "Don't worry, dearie," quieted Dora. "Wait a moment here and I will bring him." Dora turned on her heel and left the temple by the door leading into the beautiful lounging-room beyond.

"The Madagascan has just brought it. He is an unrivaled strangler." "Let him approach," commanded Doctor Q. Long Fang beckoned, and the Strangler came forward. His eyes had been fixed on the Chinese, but now they roved to the figure of Doctor Q, and he fell back in consternation, clutching the other Madagascan by the shoulder and gasping in awestruck tones. "In our country his magic is supreme!"

"I, the Strangler, have come from Madagascar with the Great Torture." A door opened and Doctor Q entered the room, his head wagging from side to side. As he caught sight of the Madagascan he stopped short and put his hand to his head with a gesture of perplexity, striving piteously to place the stranger. He could not succeed.

The Madagascan supervised this work, then waved the emissaries out of the room. They were alone there now, these two the professional murderer and his victim. With a sneer the Madagascan turned and went to the other side of the partition where the wheel was by which the noose was tightened, strangling the victim.

Doctor Q turned on his heel and hobbled out of the room. Long Fang and the Strangler were about to proceed to the torture-chamber when footsteps were heard on the stairway that led to the curio-shop below. Long Fang and the Madagascan stopped and listened. Another moment and De Luxe Dora and Paul Balcom stepped into the room.

Zita, hurrying out from the conservatory, and wishing to waste not an instant in notifying Balcom, sought a near-by telephone pay-station, and there in frantic haste she demanded Balcom's number. It was some moments before Central could make the connection, and then it was only to Zita's disappointment and growing fear. The Madagascan servant of Balcom answered in the absence of his master.

In spite of the fall, the Madagascan bounded to his feet, like a rubber ball, but a few stiff jabs from Locke soon took all the fight out of him and he lay still, completely knocked out. Locke made a hurried but systematic search of the room, and finally found the book that he sought, taking it and returning to Eva at Brent Rock.