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I go there more frequently en paresseux than en savant: a small brooklet which runs through the grounds broadens at last into a deep, clear, transparent lake. Here fir and elm and oak fling their branches over the margin and beneath their shade I pass all the hours of noon-day in the luxuries of a dreamer's reverie. It is true, however, that I am never less idle than when I appear the most so.

"Il n'y a rien que je crains comme le desoeuvrement, l'inertie, la lethargie des facultes. Quand le corps est paresseux l'esprit souffre cruellement; je ne connaitrais pas cette lethargie, si je pouvais ecrire.

Next morning, on going down to the raft, the poles were missing; so, cutting fresh ones, he started with the Indians towards the beaver village. On reaching their abodes, one of the poles was found deposited on the top of the houses. In a community of beavers there are frequently some who appear to do no work, and are called by the Canadian trappers Les paresseux, or Idlers.

'Do you understand, I cried to him, 'that if you have the guillotine in the foreground of your programme and are so enthusiastic about it too, it's simply because nothing's easier than cutting off heads, and nothing's harder than to have an idea. Vous etes des paresseux! Votre drapeau est un guenille, une impuissance.

Oh, to be back in Paris, her home, where she had lived with him, where every stick and stone was dear to her because of him! Then, glancing up at the clock, with an abrupt change of key, 'Mais allons donc, paresseux! You must take me to see the camarades. You must take me to see Chalks.

Moralement, je n'ai jamais ete plus fort, plus dispose a la lutte; et puis ces jours de fatigue arrivent et m'accablent, et je souffre dix fois plus qu'un paresseux s'y resignerait. "Beaucoup de baisers aux enfants, et beaucoup pour toi, petite femme trop cherie. Je n'ose penser combien ce serait gentil si tu etais ici aupres de moi."

I go there more frequently en paresseux than en savant: a small brooklet which runs through the grounds broadens at last into a deep, clear, transparent lake. Here fir and elm and oak fling their branches over the margin and beneath their shade I pass all the hours of noon-day in the luxuries of a dreamer's reverie. It is true, however, that I am never less idle than when I appear the most so.

Il y a une chose bien charmante en lui, c'est que, bien qu'il soit a la tete d'une grande maison, il n'a jamais l'air presse et vous ecoute avec une patience parfaite. "Ce que tu me dis de 'mon courage au travail et a la lutte' me paye pour bien des heures de besogne. Tout ce qui me decourage parfois, c'est ma faible sante qui m'oblige souvent a paraitre paresseux sous peine d'etre malade.

He, too, was silent for a long time. "They say that French cleverness..." he babbled suddenly, as though in a fever... "that's false, it always has been. Why libel French cleverness? It's simply Russian indolence, our degrading impotence to produce ideas, our revolting parasitism in the rank of nations. Ils sont tout simplement des paresseux, and not French cleverness.