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He spoke literally of the "need" to create, usually in the French term, besogne; and he was inclined to regard the imposition of this need on a man rather as a curse laid upon him than as a privilege and a pleasure.

Such are the ebullitions of his heart in his jovial moments; and the following lines, which would spoil in the translation, give a lively picture of them: "Pour trop bien boire un curé de Bourgogne De son pauvre oeil se trouvait déferré, Un docteur vint: Voici de la besogne Dit-il, pour plus d'un jour; Je patienterai! Ça vous boirez: Eh bien! soit, je boirai!

"Still," he said, "there is some flesh yet on these bones. You may grill the paws, fricassee the shoulders, and roast the rest. The rognons and the head accept for yourself as a perquisite." Here he transferred Fox to the arms of the concierge, adding, "Vite au besogne, mon ami." "Yes, Monsieur. I must be quick about it while my wife is absent. She has a faiblesse for the brute.

"Still," he said, "there is some flesh yet on these bones. You may grill the paws, fricassee the shoulders, and roast the rest. The rognons and the head accept for yourself as a perquisite." Here he transferred Fox to the arms of the concierge, adding, "Vite au besogne, mon ami." "Yes, Monsieur. I must be quick about it while my wife is absent. She has a faiblesse for the brute.

Nous avons eu transformation de societe, inventaire, assemblee d'actionnaires, tout cela m'a donne un effrayant surcroit de besogne et de fatigue, et je n'avais pas le courage de reprendre la plume lorsque je rentrais au logis, harasse et souffrant. Aujourd'hui nos affaires commencent a reprendre leur cours normal."

"My good young friend," I laughed, "what you do, you do in the King's name." "So does every tipstaff," he answered impatiently, his moustaches bristling as the result of the scornful twist he gave his lips. "To think that I should have a hand in bringing tears to the eyes of that sweet lady! Quelle besogne! Bon Dieu, quelle besogne!"

Il y a une chose bien charmante en lui, c'est que, bien qu'il soit a la tete d'une grande maison, il n'a jamais l'air presse et vous ecoute avec une patience parfaite. "Ce que tu me dis de 'mon courage au travail et a la lutte' me paye pour bien des heures de besogne. Tout ce qui me decourage parfois, c'est ma faible sante qui m'oblige souvent a paraitre paresseux sous peine d'etre malade.

Michael at their head, and no longer any fear of the English in their hearts. The first besogne on which this army entered was the siege of Jargeau, June 11th, into which town Suffolk had thrown himself and his troops when the siege of Orleans was raised.