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Just like other children the world over, the Wee Tots of The Labrador like toys to play with and they are made joyous with toys discarded by the over-supplied youngsters of our land. Of course there are foolish people who send useless things too.

A few days after this, he wrote thus to one of his friends: "Till now, till after this unfortunate occurrence, I knew not how much I possessed in my wife and children; knew not that I had so many good friends and neighbours. I thank God, who has given me such a wife, such children, and such friends! These last have supplied, nay, over-supplied all the necessities of my family.

As a matter of fact, Elgin had begun as the centre of "trading" for the farmers of Fox County, and had soon over-supplied that limit in demand; so that when other interests added themselves to the activity of the town there was still plenty of room for the business they brought. Main Street was really, therefore, not a fair index; nobody in Elgin would have admitted it.

Vitus' Dance, but there is nothing of the mind whatever in the movement. The organ of the mind is unsupplied with vital action, but the organs of voice are over-supplied. It is beyond doubt this over-supply which shows itself in the scream, for there is nothing else to account for it.

Bounty for wolves and Indian scalps were offered in it and necessary equipment was bought with it. However, due to English navigation laws forbidding the colonists to export to other countries, by 1682 England became over-supplied with tobacco and the planters soon began to feel the effect of this surplus. Growers began to go deeper and deeper into debt.

As years went by their numbers increased, though but slowly. They did not invite the co-operation of persons not of their way of thinking, and the world was never over-supplied with Separatists. On the other hand, they were active and full of enterprise, and sent out branches in all directions, which shared the vitality of the parent stock.

One of the deplorable results of living in a world over-supplied with inhabitants was that there were too many people and not enough jobs. When one had a good job, and somebody higher up than oneself gave an order, it was obeyed. There was always somebody else or several somebodies waiting for every job there was hoping for it, maybe praying for it.

We are apt to be rather over-supplied in June." "Indeed! all sorts, I suppose." "Yes, a variety, and just now three charming young women from the South." "Rather a strong adjective charming. I might hesitate to apply it to a whole flock. I think men are more apt to use it than women." "I stand by my adjective. Take care of your laurels, Miss Grey.

She glanced at her father, and saw that he was in a mood to say yes to anything, and, quick as thought, she determined to get the place if possible. "Of course I am. I would rather have it than all the jewelry in New York." She was over-supplied with that style of gift. "You shall have it then, for I am sure I don't want it, and am devoutly thankful to be rid of it."

It is only now that we are beginning to realise the value of the grape to Queensland, as, until our production increased to such an extent that our local markets were being over-supplied, our growers made no attempt to supply outside markets. Now this is being done, and better means of handling and packing the fruit, so as to enable it to be shipped long distances, are now coming into vogue.