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Perhaps he thought Miss Stuart had dropped some hint girls, despite their promises, have been known to do such things and this change was becoming maidenly reserve. Sir Victor liked maidenly reserve none of your Desdemonas, who meet their Othellos half way, for him. Trixy's unremitting attentions were sisterly, of course. He felt grateful accordingly, and strove to repay her in kind.

Kept within proper bounds, it is a compliment; it makes for piquancy; it is the gin in the ginger-beer of devotion. But it should be a condiment, not a fluid. It was the unfairness of the thing which hurt Maud. Her conscience was clear. She knew girls several girls who gave the young men with whom they walked out ample excuse for being perfect Othellos.

It is easy, then, in fancy, to people these silent canals with plumed gallants and fair ladies with Shylocks in gaberdine and sandals, venturing loans upon the rich argosies of Venetian commerce with Othellos and Desdemonas, with Iagos and Roderigos with noble fleets and victorious legions returning from the wars.

"She has deceived her father, and may thee," seemed exaggerated and out of place. In the scenes with Iago he equaled Salvini, yet did not in any one point surpass him. Nor did he in any way imitate him. The fury of the two Othellos is widely different. Salvini is the fiercer, for Rossi's rage has a background of intensest suffering. One is an enraged tiger, the other a wounded lion.

Not that there is any cause, enviable dog though he be; but where Desdemonas are so scarce, if you could but guess how green-eyed their Othellos generally are! Excellent husbands, it is true, none better; but you had better think twice before you attempt to play the Cassio in Bushland! Some guests have arrived. They are always welcome in Bushland!

They were sorry for the poor girl, to be sure; but they seemed to think that Desdemonas were made to be the victims of Othellos, and that a man who could love in that fashion and be jealous in that style of exalted fury was rather to be pitied and admired when he smothered a woman on a misunderstanding.

Whenever crime appears the aberration and monstrous product of a great intellect or of a nature ordinarily virtuous, it becomes not only the subject for genius, which deals with passions, to describe, but a problem for philosophy, which deals with actions, to investigate and solve; hence the Macbeths and Richards, the Iagos and Othellos.

She should have remembered he was not to be coquetted with. As well put a match to a gunpowder barrel to warm your fingers. Every other man could be played with. This one swallowed you up. "But Prince Janko has no one but me," she tried to protest. "My little Moorish page, my young Othello!" "Keep him a page. Othellos are best left bachelors. Remember the fate of Desdemona."

Not that there is any cause, enviable dog though he be; but where Desdemonas are so scarce, if you could but guess how green-eyed their Othellos generally are! Excellent husbands, it is true, none better; but you had better think twice before you attempt to play the Cassio in Bushland! Some guests have arrived. They are always welcome in Bushland!

All the minor theatres in London, especially the lowest, constitute the centre of a little stage-struck neighbourhood. These gentlemen are the amateursthe Richards, Shylocks, Beverleys, and Othellosthe Young Dorntons, Rovers, Captain Absolutes, and Charles Surfaces—a private theatre. See them at the neighbouring public-house or the theatrical coffee-shop!