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The Clinton Group, containing Pentamerus oblongus and Stricklandinia, and related more nearly by its fossil species with the beds above than with those below, is the equivalent of the Llandovery Group or beds of passage. Murchisonia gracilis, Hall. A fossil characteristic of the Trenton Limestone. Mr.

In Russia the Silurian strata, so far as they are yet known, seem to be even of smaller vertical dimensions than in Scandinavia, and they appear to consist chiefly of the Llandovery group, or of a limestone containing Pentamerus oblongus, below which are strata with fossils corresponding to those of the Llandeilo beds of England.

In Russia the relative position of a stratum is inferred from the fact that, along with some Wenlock forms, it yields the Pentamerus oblongus.

These are of widely different genera; but instead of their services being gratefully recognised, they are popularly branded as accomplices in the work of destruction. They are Chelifer Librorum, Temp. Chelifer oblongus, Temp. Chelifer acaroides, Hermann. Dr. It was called "Lepisma" by Fabricius, from its fish-like scales.

They are called Llandovery Rocks, from a town in South Wales, in the neighbourhood of which they are well developed, and where, especially at a hill called Noeth Grug, in spite of several faults, their relations to one another can be clearly seen. a. Pentamerus oblongus, Sowerby. Upper and Lower Llandovery beds. a, b. Views of the shell itself, from figures in Murchison's Sil. Syst. c.