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Here then was the time to have put a stop to this persecution against him; and tried an experiment at least whether calmness and serenity of mind in your sister, with a due attention, brother Toby, to her evacuations and repletions and the rest of her non-naturals, might not, in a course of nine months gestation, have set all things to rights. My child was bereft of these!

In the "Practice" of Ferrari there is scarcely a malady for which it is not recommended. All remedies were directed to the regulation of the six non-naturals, and they either preserved health, cured the disease or did the opposite. The most popular medicines were derived from the vegetable kingdom, and as they were chiefly those recommended by Galen, they were, and still are, called by his name.

Slept well last night. By the way, how intolerably selfish this Journal makes me seem so much attention to one's naturals and non-naturals! Lord Mackenzie called, and we had much chat about business. The late regulations for preparing cases in the Outer-House do not work well, and thus our old machinery, which was very indifferent, is succeeded by a kind that will hardly move at all.

When it came to the "non-naturals," as he would sometimes call them, after the old physicians, namely, air, meat and drink, sleep and watching, motion and rest, the retentions and excretions, and the affections of the mind, he was, as I have said, of the school of sensible practitioners, in distinction from that vast community of quacks, with or without the diploma, who think the chief end of man is to support apothecaries, and are never easy until they can get every patient upon a regular course of something nasty or noxious.

All his non-naturals, on which his health and diseases depend, are stile nuovo, French is his holiday language, that he wears for his pleasure and ornament, and uses English only for his business and necessary occasions. He is like a Scotchman; though he is born a subject of his own nation, he carries a French faction within him.

The body was composed of certain so-called "naturals," seven in number the elements, the temperaments, the humors, the members or parts, the virtues or faculties, the operations or functions and the spirits. Certain "non-naturals," nine in number, preserved the health of the body, viz. air, food and drink, movement and repose, sleeping and waking, excretion and retention, and the passions.

Meantime this much I know, and would here proclaim to all, that the blood is transfused at one time in larger, at another in smaller, quantity; and that the circuit of the blood is accomplished now more rapidly, now more slowly, according to the temperament, age, etc., of the individual, to external and internal circumstances, to naturals and non-naturals sleep, rest, food, exercise, affections of the mind, and the like.

When it came to the "non-naturals," as he would sometimes call them, after the old physicians, namely, air, meat and drink, sleep and watching, motion and rest, the retentions and excretions, and the affections of the mind, he was, as I have said, of the school of sensible practitioners, in distinction from that vast community of quacks, with or without the diploma, who think the chief end of man is to support apothecaries, and are never easy until they can get every patient upon a regular course of something nasty or noxious.

To avoid all and every one of these errors in giving you my uncle Toby's character, I am determined to draw it by no mechanical help whatever; nor shall my pencil be guided by any one wind-instrument which ever was blown upon, either on this, or on the other side of the Alps; nor will I consider either his repletions or his discharges, or touch upon his Non-naturals; but, in a word, I will draw my uncle Toby's character from his Hobby-Horse.

I should have no objection to this method, but that I think it must smell too strong of the lamp, and be render'd still more operose, by forcing you to have an eye to the rest of his Non-naturals. Why the most natural actions of a man's life should be called his Non-naturals, is another question. These, you must know, are your great historians.