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Whoever gives himself up to inactivity, or puts off evacuations of the bowels, or suffers from constipation, will be sure to suffer from many diseases and will see his strength disappear even should he eat the best food in the world and make use of all the remedies that physicians have. Immoderate eating is a poison for men and the cause of many diseases which attack them.

It will be advantageous to have a water-closet near at hand, which should be well supplied with water, be well drained, and be well ventilated. If this be not practicable, the evacuations ought to be removed as soon as they are passed. It is a filthy and an idle habit of a nurse-maid to allow a motion to remain for any length of time in the room.

It neither purges nor vomits; nor does it encrease any of the sensible Evacuations, except that of Urine, and sometimes that of Sweat, if taken when in Bed; but as it is so distinctly perceived by the smell passing thro' the cutaneous Pores of those who take it, it is probable that it encreases insensible Perspiration.

"Avicenna, after this, is for having the part anointed with the syrup of hellebore, using proper evacuations and purges and I believe rightly. But thou must eat little or no goat's flesh, nor red deer nor even foal's flesh by any means; and carefully abstain that is, as much as thou canst, from peacocks, cranes, coots, didappers and water-hens.

Diarrhea may be the consequence and the bowels may have a thorough cleaning out and the whole trouble end in a few days. Or the constipation may be of a nature that evacuations, such as the patient has been having, have been passing through the center, leaving a coating on the lumen, but hollowed out in the center.

"The swelling often presents an irregular surface, and various centres of maturation exist; but the evacuations only effect a partial and temporary reduction of its bulk, in consequence of the continued extension of the morbid growth and ulcerative process which often proceed towards the pharynx, rendering respiration and deglutition still more difficult, until at length the animal sinks from atrophy or phthisis pulmonalis.

Certain articles of food seem to favour its development, such as pastry, sugar, sweets, beer, fruit, and anything which is apt to undergo fermentation, and thereby to impart to the evacuations a specially acid character. These worms are often accompanied with more or less marked symptoms of indigestion, but otherwise the local irritation is usually the only indication of their presence.

No suitable receptacle was provided for the evacuations produced by medicine or disease. My nearest neighbour was struggling with death, and my bed, casually extended, was moist with the detestable matter which had flowed from his stomach. "You will scarcely believe that, in this scene of horrors, the sound of laughter should be overheard.

Her sleep was so deep that nothing seemed to disturb her; her pulse was slow, the respirations scarcely perceptible, and there were apparently no evacuations. Weir Mitchell collected 18 cases of protracted sleep, the longest continuing uninterruptedly for six months. Chilton's case lasted seventeen weeks.

VIII. There are many other causes, which produce quiescence of some part of the animal system, as fatigue, hunger, thirst, bad diet, disappointed love, unwholesome air, exhaustion from evacuations, and many others; but the last cause, that we shall mention, as frequently productive of cold fits of fever, is fear or anxiety of mind.