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He also translated from the Portuguese, Virginia, richly valued by the description of Florida, her next neighbour; and wrote notes of certain commodities, in good request in the East Indies, Molucca, and China; but what has most deservedly perpetuated his name, is his great pains, and judgment, in collecting English Voyages, Navigations, Trafficks, and Discoveries ."

In the prosecution of his voyage, our commander, on the 17th of December, reached the west coast of Terra del Fuego; and having continued to range it till the 20th, he came to an anchor in a place to which he afterwards gave the name of Christmas Sound. Through the whole course of his various navigations, he had never seen so desolate a coast.

Some of the above works, as well as others relating to attempts to discover a north-west and north-east passage, are inserted in Harris and Churchill's Collections. Les Trois Navigations faites par les Hollandois au Septentrion. Par Gerard de Ver. Paris, 1610. 8vo. This contains Barentz's Voyages. Histoire des Peches, des Découvertes, &c. des Hollandois, dans la Mer du Nord.

There was a continual procession of dark trucks driven by soldiers, automobiles full of officers, droves of mules coming from Spain that were going to be shipped to the Orient, leaving behind their quick-trotting hoofs a pungent and penetrating smell of the stable. The old harbor attracted Ferragut because of its antiquity which was almost as remote as that of the first Mediterranean navigations.

To answer the third objection, besides Cabot and all other travellers' navigations, the only credit of Master Frobisher may suffice, who lately, through all these islands of ice and mountains of snow, passed that way, even beyond the gulf that tumbleth down from the north, and in some places, though he drew one inch thick ice, as he returning in August did, came home safely again.

The same author here quoted as doubting the reality of the navigations of Americus to the New World, gives the following account of his pretensions as a discoverer.

Carre the Sheriff of Berwickshire, upon the application that was made to him for causing Lieutenant Cranstoun to be apprehended, & I should have acknowledged the receipt of them by the last Post, but I did not return from a Commission of the Navigations, held at a remote part of the county, till Wednesday.

In another part of his work, Harris acknowledges the reality of the first voyage of Americus, under the command of Alonso Hojeda, and assigns the 20th May 1499 as its commencement . Americus was probably only pilot of the different navigations he relates.

Journal des Voyages, Découvertes et Navigations Modernes, ou Archives Géographiques du 19me Siècle. This work began in Nov. 1818, and is published monthly. Like all collections of this kind, the value of it would have been encreased, and the bulk much diminished, if the selection had been more scrupulous. Delle Navigationi e Viaggi raccolti da M.G.B. Ramusio. Venet.

We intended to have embarked early this morning and to have launched upon an element more congenial with our habits than the freshwater navigations with their numerous difficulties and impediments which we had hitherto encountered, but which was altogether new to our Canadian voyagers.