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He went far enough to note that the bush broke its promise of refreshment, for back of it was but dry desolation. "Napoo!" he murmured in his best French, and turned to measure the distance back to his stone seat. To this he again sauntered carelessly, as a gentleman walking abroad over his estate.

Well, you'll have plenty of opportunity of judging, because you're coming to live here. I'll let you have a suite and I'll let you have your meals, but outside of that nothing doing! Nothing doing! Do you understand what I mean?" "Absolutely! You mean, 'Napoo!" "You can sign bills for a reasonable amount in my restaurant, and the hotel will look after your laundry.

The pride of the Underhills had had a bad evening. Uncle Chris turned to Freddie. "What is the matter?" he asked blankly. "I'll tell you what's the jolly old matter!" cried Freddie. "The blighter isn't going to marry poor Jill after all! He's changed his rotten mind! It's off!" "Off?" "Absolutely off!" "Absolutely off?" "Napoo!" said Freddie.

"'E's no good, 'e's done." Thirteen's eyes narrowed. "How so?" "'E's done, Number One is finished, counted out, napoo! 'E's 'ad 'is d'y, and a pretty mess 'e's mide of it and it's 'igh time, I say, for 'im to step down and let a better man tike 'old."

"I don't think they were working last night, sir," one of the tea-drinkers answered. "There was a party of 'em out, and we bunged some bombs. We 'eard 'em padding the 'oof back." "Been pretty quiet, then?" "Except for that there rum jar, sir," answered the sergeant. "We thought we was napoo when we 'eard that little bundle of fun a-coming." "Have you seen it, Jacko?"

"C'est tout napoo." She even laughed as she looked at the concentrated essence of yellow and white flowing slowly down the gutter. "Mon Dieu! voil

Anything to oblige and all that sort of thing, but when it comes to cooing, distinctly Napoo!" "Nonsense! It isn't hard to coo." "You don't understand, laddie. You're not a married man. I mean to say, whatever you say for or against marriage personally I'm all for it and consider it a ripe egg the fact remains that it practically makes a chappie a spent force as a cooer.

When he saw my pistol, he jerked his hands above his head. Dirty and unshaven, with the tears all wet on his face, he looked a woe-begone and tragic figure. "Kamerad! Kamerad!" he muttered stupidly at me. "Napoo! Kaput! Englander!" I gazed at the stranger, hardly able to believe my ears. That trench jargon in this place! "Are you English?" I asked him.

"It was one of the big ones, and it came right through the wire on top of him." The gruff voice was soft. "Poor bairn!" Il n'y en a plus. There is no more. French phrase signifying complete absence of. Largely heard in estaminets near closing time. Naploo. Original pure English phrase signifying the perisher has run out of beer. Napoo.

"Now these eggs, mother dear, these eggs. Bedad! they've gone to their last long rest. We can't even scramble them. Oofs, dear heart, oofs; napoo finis."