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Perhaps even then he had realised the futility of it all . . . For a few seconds Derek Vane looked at him gravely, while close by two excited men from different units argued raucously as to which battalion had brought the aeroplane down. "I tell yer I saw the ruddy bullet hit the perisher right in the middle," cried one claimant. "It were old Ginger's gun, I tell yer.

"Get him?" asked the Sapper. "Dunno, sir," answered the sniper, his eye still fixed to the telescope. "Three 'undred yards, and 'e ducked like 'ell. It wasn't far off 'is nibs, but one can't tell for sure." He got down and stretched himself. "I've waited 'alf an 'our for the perisher, too, without no breakfast."

It's Joe, blame it all on to Joe Joe's got a bad 'eart, ma'am, a black, base-'earted perisher is Joe so no jam for Joe, ma'am, an' only one slice o' cake." Here Ravenslee hastened to explain, whereupon Mrs.

I'll punch you on the ear-'ole, Joe, so's you never 'ear nothin' no more." "Are you on, Joe?" asked Ravenslee, while the Old Un, swearing softly, unlaced his gloves. "But, crumbs, sir axin' your pardon, things'll come a bit expensive, won't they? Y' see " "So much the better, ye blighted perisher!" snarled the Old Un, "an' don't forget as the Guv owes you thirty dollars a'ready an' 'arves, mind."

But I'd rather 'ear you say so nor 'im if you 'ad enough English to do it with. Wot do I care about the perisher along of you?" It was hard work to talk for two, and keep the ball of courtship rolling after the approved fashion of Kentish Town, when the slouching young Boer would only grunt in reply, or twinkle at her out of his piggish eyes.

There's your periscope you can relieve them other two." "Where's the periscope?" asked Reginald of his companion in a whisper. "The glass up there, you flat-faced perisher hidden in the stones. Wot d'you think it is? A noyster laying eggs!" The trench settled down to silence as the company relief was completed, and Reginald morosely nursed his grievance.

I'd had a fearful perisher coming down with the last wool, and I was making for the Murray, by myself; stealing a bite of grass every night, and getting caught, altogether, five times between Hay and Barmah. Well, I knew there was rough feed in the Tin Hut Paddock; so I crawled along quietly, and loosed-out after dark, in that timber where the coolaman hole is.

"'E 's a perishin' pork pig, that's wot 'e is. Joe, you blighter, put me down. It's me as the Guv expects it's me as 'as come a-visitin' Joe, put me down, you perisher. Joe's only a hoaf, ma'am, a nass, ma'am. Joe ain't used to perlite serciety, Joe don't know nothin' put me down, Joe, like a good lad!"

'Ow beautiful hart thou in textchah." "Go on, Bill. Did the perisher say that?" An incredulous member of the group looked doubtful. "Did 'e say it?" The carrier of news looked scornfully at the doubter. "Did 'e say it? Lumme! 'E said it twice, and then he buried 'is mug in its loverly fragrant surface, and pricked his nose on Ginger's bayonet.

"There's a perisher fell in the 'ole, sir! Three of 'em come in, and we killed two an' the other fell in the 'ole." I am given to understand that on receipt of the news what little intellect our pipe-inventor ever possessed completely deserted him.