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What, however, can be said for Pilone, 'commander of His Majesty's forces' on Vesuvius; for Ninco Nanco, Bianco dei Bianchi, Tardio, Palma; for Carusso, who cut the throats of thirteen out of fourteen labourers and told the one left to go and tell the tale; for the brothers La Gala, who roasted and ate a priest?

Just as he had reverted to the topic of conversation which brought him here, there came a knock at the door. 'Come in! growled Bunce. Totty Nancarrow appeared. One of her hands led a little fellow of seven, a bright lad, munching a 'treacle-stick; the other, a little girl a year younger, who exclaimed as she entered: 'Been a walk with Miss Nanco!

For the former she ceased to be 'Miss Nanco, and became 'Totty' simply; to Jack she was a most estimable acquaintance, who never grudged flattering wonder at his school achievements, even though they involved no more than a mastery of compound multiplication, and occasionally he felt a wish that some one of his schoolfellows would call Miss Nancarrow names, that he might punch the rascal's head.

Her brother hid away his own delicacy, feeling all at once that it compromised his masculine superiority. 'Then I'm very angry with Miss Nanco, replied Bunce. 'I hope she'll never do anything o' the kind again. Totty laughed and drew back into the passage. Thence she said: 'Could I speak to you a minute, Mr. Bunce? He went out to her, and half closed the door behind him.

Bunce was taken into their confidence, but he, poor fellow, had occupation enough for his leisure at home, since Bessie was at Eastbourne. Little Nelly Bunce often fretted in vain for the attentions of 'Miss Nanco, upon whom she had begun to feel a claim. 'Miss Nanco, for the nonce a female detective, had little time for nursing.

I hope you don't mind. I thought a little bit of a walk 'ud do them good. Bunce always softened at the sight of his little ones. 'I'm much obliged to you, Miss Nancarrow, he said. 'Miss Nanco bought me sweets, remarked little Nelly, when her father had drawn her between his knees. And she exhibited a half-sucked lollipop.