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Pancras which existed here in Saxon times probably stood where later the high altar of the great Norman church was reared, and across this site the Eastbourne trains now run. The station itself is supposed to be on the site of the convent kitchens and consequently the present ruins are very scanty.

With a powerful enough engine he climbs at once again, but these sudden downfalls are the least pleasant and most dangerous experience in aviation. They exact a tiring vigilance. Over lake or sea, in sunshine, within sight of land, this is the perfect way of the flying tourist. Gladly would I have set out for France this morning instead of returning to Eastbourne.

Hence for the past nine years Gabrielle being at school, first at Eastbourne and afterwards at Amiens she had amused herself and left her husband to his dry-as-dust hobbies and the loneliness of his black and sunless world. The man who had just put that curious question to her was perhaps her closest friend. To her he owed everything, though the world was in ignorance of the fact.

Yet even this only gave her an air of shyness which was itself a grace. When Grail had entered into the conversation she was able to collect herself. Gilbert said presently: 'Miss Trent is going to take Bunce's child to Eastbourne to-morrow, to Mrs. Ormonde's. 'Indeed! Egremont exclaimed. 'I was there on Wednesday and heard that the child was coming.

I think we shall find that the headquarters of this infernal combination is somewhere in Sussex." "Mr. Mann doesn't think so," she said, "but believes that the car was to be met by another at Eastbourne and I was to be transferred. He says that the idea of taking me there was to throw the police off the scent." She shivered. "It wasn't a nice experience," she confessed.

"Besides, I don't know him very well. We met at Eastbourne once when I was staying there with Mother." "Well, why didn't he say 'How do you do, Miss Ogilvie? instead of breathing out 'you' like that?" Esther turned furiously upon Mark. "What has it got to do with you?" "Nothing whatever to do with me," he said deliberately. "But if you think you're going to make a fool of me, you're not.

Such an extraordinary scuffle was bound to attract a crowd; few had seen the commencement of the fray, because nothing could be more usual and commonplace in a fashionable place like Eastbourne than the sight of a frock-coated and top-hatted gentleman handing a well-dressed lady into a motor car. The first general intimation of something bizarre and sensational was provided by Theydon's fall.

"Eastbourne has lost its charms," she wrote, "and the crowds of people on the Parade only make me feel more lonely. If it were not for fear of Dr. Luttrell, I should come back to Brunswick Place at once, but I dare not run the gauntlet of his sarcasms. "My one amusement is making smocks for Dot.

Besides the time of his departure from the Berkeley plus a walk to Victoria Station more or less synchronised with the down train to Brighton. He spent the best part of the following day racing through hotel lists and looking up visitors at Brighton, Eastbourne, Hastings and Folkestone.

Margaret's Bay, near Dover; the coast of Sussex, east of Brighton, and the Isle of Wight; the region of Bournemouth and Poole; Lyme Bay, Dorset, and Bridgwater Bay, Somerset. All along the coast from Yarmouth to Eastbourne, with a few exceptional parts, we find that the sea is gaining on the land by leaps and bounds. It is a coast that is most favourably constructed for coast erosion.