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"It is nothing," replied the stranger in his sweet low voice, and passed on. "Well what about this theatre," demanded Mr. Longcord of his friend and partner; "do you want to go or don't you?" Mr. Longcord was feeling irritable. "Goth the ticketh may ath well," thought Isidore. "Damn stupid piece, I'm told." "Motht of them thupid, more or leth.

He turned his superior eye to the cornice above Redwood's head. "'Ow do we know the ratth 'aven't got it, Thir! That 'th what I think of motht, Thir. I 'aven't theen any big ratth, Thir, but 'ow do I know, Thir.

"I motht thertainly do." "How did you feel?" "I felt cold. I had what Harriet callth 'cold feet. Then I gueth I didn't feel much of anything till I felt mythelf thitting in the thand with thome of me dry and thome of me wet, and Harriet trying to drag me out of the thudth." "Out of what?" exclaimed the Chief Guardian. "Thudth." "Suds," interpreted Miss Elting.

Judith walked up, and said, "Mitthith North, lately you've rung tho eathy, that motht of the time I thought it mutht be a acthident, and didn't come up at futht. I thpect the wireth ith got ruthty." Mrs. North said nothing, but afterward, in relating the affair to me, she said she truly believed that it was owing to my stopping the papers.

"For a birthday present," they said, "and, Johnnie, you're to let off every one of them your own self; and lots more are coming from the shop." "My wig!" exclaimed Johnnie, feigning intense surprise, though he had heard every word of the conference. "Let them all off mythelf, did you thay? Well, I do call that a motht egregiouth and tender lark."

"Can't you see we are all just perishing with curiosity?" "Yeth. I'm motht thuffocated from holding my breath," declared Tommy. "But Buthter ith thuffocated hecauthe she ith tho fat. Don't you think it ith awful to be tho fat, Mr. Januth?" She gazed, in apparent unblinking innocence, at the solemn-faced guide, who answered with twinkling eyes. "I dunno, Miss. I never was fat.

After you were gone the other evening, Mithith Farquhar wath telling him the general opinion about them in the neighbourhood, and he got quite red and angry. Bleth your thoul, he believth the whole thtory about her Polish huthband and hith wonderful ethcapeth; and ath for her why, he thinkth her perfection, a woman of motht refined fellingth, and no end of thtuff. Mr. Ely smiled.

'Mamma thaith, began that young lady, 'that the colonel ith the motht accomplithed and agreeable man in Waleth. 'How can she tell that? asked Freda, with feigned surprise. 'There are so many clever men in Wales. I assure you we are a talented race. 'I am thure of that, Freda; but I think the Englith are more thinthere; mamma thaith tho.

"What did he say?" "What did he thay! talked about the Jewth: what a grand rathe they were how people mithjudged them: all that thort of rot. "Thaid thome of the motht honorable men he had ever met had been Jewth. Thought I wath one of 'em!" "Well, did you get anything out of him?" "Get anything out of him. Of courthe not.

For the second time that night the Meadow-Brook Girls scrambled from their beds in alarm. "Tommy, Tommy, what is the matter?" cried Harriet, springing to the little girl's side. "I thaw the motht terrible fathe," moaned Tommy. "Oh, thave me." "Nonsense, Tommy," laughed Harriet. "You've just had one of those nightmares you were talking about when you bade us good night."