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'Hold on, Sir; hold on, you little devil, I say, one minute, here hold hollo! While Cluffe was shouting these words, and scrambling forward, Puddock was crying 'Curth it, Cluffe, quick oh! hang it, I can't thtand it bleth my thoul! And Puddock let go, and the boat and its precious freightage, with a horrid whisk and a sweep, commenced its seaward career in the dark.

Hector, under the name of Thoul, was established in the Rue Saint-Maur, at the head of a business as embroiderer, under the name of Thoul and Bijou. Victorin Hulot, under the overwhelming disasters of his family, had received the finishing touch which makes or mars the man. He was perfection.

The Baron, deeply touched by such a welcome, had a last qualm of honor. "No, my dear child, no; I did not come here for you to keep me," said he. "At your age it is something to be proud of," said she. "This is what I wish, my child. Your Duc d'Herouville has immense estates in Normandy, and I want to be his steward, under the name of Thoul. I have the capacity, and I am honest.

To have to work at my age? Is that being good to me?" "She ought not to be ungrateful, for she owes her beauty to you," replied Josepha; "but why did she not come to see me? It was I who placed her in ease by settling her with my uncle." "Yes, madame, with old Monsieur Thoul, but he is very old and broken " "But what have you done with him? Is he with you?

Monsieur Grenouville consented to marry her, on condition of her giving us all up, and we agreed " "For a handsome consideration?" said Josepha, with her usual perspicacity. "Yes, madame, ten thousand francs, and an allowance to my father, who is past work." "I begged your daughter to make old Thoul happy, and she has thrown me over. That is not fair.

When you get your pension paid you, you can repay the seventeen thousand francs. Meanwhile you will be as happy as a cow in clover, and hidden in a hole where the police will never find you. You must wear a loose serge coat, and you will look like a comfortable householder. Call yourself Thoul, if that is your fancy.

"And she was so sharp, she won over poor old Thoul, and took him away, and we don't know where, and left us in a pretty fix, with a lot of bills coming in. To this day as ever is we have not been able to settle up; but my daughter, who knows all about such things, keeps an eye on them as they fall due.

Ruddy isn't in it, deah old boy, so they they," interposed Clifford Melville, alias Joseph Sobieski of Posen. "Diplomathy is all very well, but thith kind of diplomathy is not good for the thoul." He laughed as only one of his kidney can laugh. Upon the laugh there came a hoarse growl of anger. Barry Whalen was standing above Mr. Clifford Melville with rage in every fibre, threat in every muscle.

"And she was so sharp, she won over poor old Thoul, and took him away, and we don't know where, and left us in a pretty fix, with a lot of bills coming in. To this day as ever is we have not been able to settle up; but my daughter, who knows all about such things, keeps an eye on them as they fall due.

I will take no interest in any one for the future! That is what comes of trying to do good! Benevolence certainly does not answer as a speculation! Olympe ought, at least, to have given me notice of this jobbing. Now, if you find the old man Thoul within a fortnight, I will give you a thousand francs."