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Clarke has always had an extraordinary feeling for places. If her husband had accused her of a liaison with Eyub, or of an unholy fancy for the forest of Belgrad, we might have been in a serious difficulty. She had, I know, a regular romance once with the Mosquee Verte at Brusa." Evidently she was a woman whom ordinary people would be likely to misunderstand.

Balbec est une bonne ville, bien fermée de murs, et assez marchande. Au centre étoit un château, fait de très-grosses pierres. Maintenant il renferme une mosquée dans laquelle est, dit-on, une tête humaine qui a des yeux si énormes, qu'un homme passeroit aisément la sienne

I've just been telling her that I want to show her some curious songs I have heard in Turkey, and Asia Minor, at Brusa. There was one man who used to sing to me at Brusa outside the Mosquee Verte. Dumeny took down the melody for me." "Did you like the 'Heart ever faithful'?" "Of course it's excellent in that sledge-hammer sort of way, a superb example of the direct. Stamboul is very indirect.

D'Escalache au Danube il y a bien cent milles, et néanmoins, dans toute la longueur de cet espace, il n'existe d'autre forteresse ou lieu de quelque défense qu'un village et une maison que Cénaym-Bay a fait construire sur le penchant d'une montagne, avec une mosquée.

Presently, however, she was forced to attend to him, for he asked her a direct question. "To-day they sell jewels by auction near the Mosquée Djama-ez-Zitouna," he said. "Would the gracious Princess like to see the market of the jewels?" The Princess put her hand to her eyes and assented in a low voice. Abdul turned out of the sunshine into a narrow alley covered with a wooden roof.

He will like the leather-workers and the bakers, and the weavers of haïcks. And you will not need me for the Grande Mosquée, or for the Mosquée of Aboul Hassan, where Monsieur Knight will see the most beautiful mihrab in all the world. When he has looked at that, he cannot be sorry he has come to Tlemcen; and if he has regrets, Sidi Bou-Medine will take them away."

He tore them asunder, locked Paulina up with her infant, and led the weeping Angela to the slave-market, which was in the immediate neighbourhood of one of the largest mosques of the city. This mosque, named Djama Djedid, still stands, under the name of the Mosquee de la Pecherie, one of the most conspicuous and picturesque buildings in Algiers.

"La Mosquee Verte! I'll think about it. We might go for three or four days." Her warm voice sounded rather reluctant; yet her husband knew that she wished to go. "It would be an excellent way of showing your mantle to the gossips," he remarked. "But you always think of excellent ways." Two days later the Embassy yacht, the "Leyla," having on board Sir Carey and Lady Ingleton, Mrs.

On n'y voit plus que des ruines, avec quelques habitans. Elle a une montagne au levant et la mer au midi. L'un des ses bains porte le nom d'eau sainte. Plus loin est Vyra, ancien château qu'on a demoli en plusieurs endroits. Un Grec m'a dit que l'église avoit trois cents chanoines. Le choeur en subsiste encore, et les Turcs en ont fait une mosquée.