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The langest I can min', it's been my ae ambition to help my father and mother to du what they wantit. I never desirit merriage, my leddy, and gien I did, it wudna be wi' sic as Francie Gordon, weel as I lo'e him, for we war bairnies, and laddie and lassie thegither: I wudna hae a man it was for me to fin' faut wi'! 'Deed, mem, what fowk ca's love, hes neither airt nor pairt i' this metter!

You ladies and gents, I understand, should be able to 'elp the Law in this metter." There was a stunned silence in the room, broken only by the pastoral sound of the witch eating grassy sandwiches. After a moment Miss Ford, the Mayor, and Lady Arabel all began speaking at once, and each stopped with a look of relief on hearing that some one else was ready to take the responsibility of speaking.

A sharp look-out was kept for the smoke of wigwams, but nothing of the kind was seen on either side, and the end of the lake was finally reached without any sign of the presence of natives being observed. "No doubt Mozwa has forgotten, or it may be that he iss away to seek for his frund Nazinred among the Eskimos. No metter. We will camp here, whatever, for the night.

'Ero Edwards, "yo're an 'Un, yo're an internal alien, thet's what's the metter with you. I wonder I 'aven't blacked yer eye for you many a time and oft." There was almost enough noise even for Jay, and she and Mrs. Love, each armed with a generously topped glass, sat in the background, on the shiny seat that lined the wall.

To a' this the Covenanters hae submitted for mony weary years withoot rebellion, except maybe in the metter o' the Pentlands, when a wheen o' us were driven to desperation.

Once more the wind had ceased, but the snow was yet falling. Kirsty woke suddenly out of a deep, dreamless sleep. A white face was bending over her Steenie's whiter than ever Kirsty had seen it. He was panting, and his eyes were huge. She started up. 'Come; come! was all he was able to say. 'What's the metter, Steenie? she gasped. For a quarter of a minute he stood panting, unable to speak.

Pompous-in-the-Pond, for the party you're looking for is not at home, and I've no doubt but what that crowd over there will give you a gay welcome." "I'll look into the metter to-morrer," said the policeman. "You 'aven't 'eard the last of this, none of you 'aven't, not by a long chalk. I've a good mind to get the Mayor to read the Riot Act at you."

"Wot's the metter?" she asked, and she closed the door to the shop. "Nothing, I trust, my good woman," and then he explained his errand. Mrs. Jupe listened attentively and seemed to be asking herself who had sent him. "The poor young mother is dead now, as you may know, and "

'Maybe ye did and maybe ye didna see him, replied Kirsty; 'but that disna metter sae muckle, for he's aye seem you; and ye'll see him, and be sure 'at ye see him, whan the richt time comes. 'Ye div think that, Kirsty? 'Ay div I, returned Kirsty, confidently. 'I s' wait, answered Steenie, and in silence followed Kirsty along the gallery.

At first he was not pleased, but the last time I spoke, he took it kindly, an' said he would think aboot what I had been sayin'. Noo, it's heavy on me the thoucht o' goin' away an' leavin' him in that state, so I thoucht that maybe ye would tak the metter up, sir, an' see what ye can do wi' him.