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They are clean anither set frae the like o' huz; there's nae bailie-courts amang them nae magistrates that dinna bear the sword in vain, like the worthy deacon that's awa', and, I may say't, like mysell and other present magistrates in this city But it's just the laird's command, and the loon maun loup; and the never another law hae they but the length o' their dirks the broadsword's pursuer, or plaintiff, as you Englishers ca' it, and the target is defender; the stoutest head bears langest out; and there's a Hieland plea for ye."

The langest I can min', it's been my ae ambition to help my father and mother to du what they wantit. I never desirit merriage, my leddy, and gien I did, it wudna be wi' sic as Francie Gordon, weel as I lo'e him, for we war bairnies, and laddie and lassie thegither: I wudna hae a man it was for me to fin' faut wi'! 'Deed, mem, what fowk ca's love, hes neither airt nor pairt i' this metter!

'Ye ill-mennered tyke! she said; 'what richt hae ye to tak the place o' yer betters? Gang awa doon wi' ye, and wait. What for sud ye tak advantage o' your fower legs to his twa, and him the maister o' ye! But, eh man, ye're a fine doggie, and I canna bide the thoucht 'at yer langest day maun be sae short, and tak ye awa hame sae lang afore the lave o' 's!

"The langest, the langest," cried Jenny Rintherout, dragging in a two-handed sword of the twelfth century. "Womankind," said Oldbuck in great agitation, "be composed, and do not give way to vain terror Are you sure they are come?"

"I wonder if you childer can tell me what is t' bird that ligs abed langest?" There was silence for a moment or two, and then Kester Laycock suggested rooks. "Nay," answered Grannie, "rooks are not what I sud call early risers, but they're not t' last birds up, not by a lang way. T' last bird to wakken up an' t' first bird to gan to bed is t' house-sparrow.

They are clean anither set frae the like o' huz; there's nae bailie-courts amang them nae magistrates that dinna bear the sword in vain, like the worthy deacon that's awa', and, I may say't, like mysell and other present magistrates in this city But it's just the laird's command, and the loon maun loup; and the never another law hae they but the length o' their dirks the broadsword's pursuer, or plaintiff, as you Englishers ca' it, and the target is defender; the stoutest head bears langest out; and there's a Hieland plea for ye."

He was, in consequence, kind and generous to my auld scholar, and he doubled his wages, and made him presents beside; so that Sandy was enabled to assist his mother and his brethren. But we ne'er hae a sunny day, though it be the langest day in summer, but sooner or later, a rainy ane follows it. Now, Mr Crompton had a daughter about a year younger than Sandy.

"The langest, the langest," cried Jenny Rintherout, dragging in a two-handed sword of the twelfth century. "Womankind," said Oldbuck in great agitation, "be composed, and do not give way to vain terror Are you sure they are come?"