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The only incident that mellered it down any and made it a little less miracalous wuz the fact that he never had been called by his full name. He always has been, is now, and I spoze always will be called Krit Krit Allen. But still it wuz in spite of this mellerin' and amelioratin' circumstance strikin' and skairful enough to fill me with or.

Luny! Bowery! etc., and I hurried into the house. When Josiah come in he sez, "I guess I'll invite Serenus to go with me." Sez I, "Why should you invite him to go to Shadow Island?" "Oh he's got such good judgment," sez he. I felt dubersome, but bein' so mellered in sperit by his consentin' to build the cottage I didn't stand out.

No, she ve'y seldom eveh writes much poetry any mo', since heh book turned out to be such a' unaccountable faailu'e. She jest lives with him, and really" he dropped his voice "you'd be amaazed to see how much she's sort o' sweetened and mellered under the influence of Ah! there's Colonel Ravenel " He broke off with a whisper of surprise.

They had it hammer an' tongs. Red Snout were a reg'lar fightin' man. He jest stuck that 'ere stump in the ground an' braced ag'in' it an' kep' a-slashin' an' jabbin' with his club cane an' yellin' an' cussin' like a fiend o' hell. He knocked the boy down an' I reckon he'd 'a' mellered his head proper if he'd 'a' been spryer on his pins. But Jack sprung up like he were made o' Injy rubber.

I beg your pardon, but I did. My experience was when I went to help Lily pack for foreign service, when I suppose my ferret look irritated him, for he snubbed me extensively, and I am sure he rejoiced to carry his wife out of reach of all the tribe. I dare say I richly deserved it, but I hope we are all "mellered down," as Wat Greenwood used to say of his brewery for the pigs.

They brought him to, an' fixed him up in good shape. I guess you mellered him some, but he's more scairt than hurt. He won't prosecute. You needn't be afraid. He said he dared you to it. There, there now! I wouldn't. My sake alive! le' me git a light!" For the stranger sat with his head bowed on the table, and he trembled like a child. Next morning at eight o'clock, Mrs.

Stover nodded gravely. "We got gentle. That music mellered us up. We got so we was as full of brotherly love as a basket of kittens. Some of the boys commenced writin' home; Cloudy begin to pay his poker debts. You'd scarcely hear enough profanity to make things bearable. I tell you it was refined.