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But the view I got of the crowd below wuz impressive, and though it seemed to me that everybody in New York and Brooklyn and the adjacent villages and country, wuz all there a Steeple Chasin', yet I knowed there wuz jest as many dreamin' in Dreamland and bein' luny in Luny Park.

Luny! Bowery! etc., and I hurried into the house. When Josiah come in he sez, "I guess I'll invite Serenus to go with me." Sez I, "Why should you invite him to go to Shadow Island?" "Oh he's got such good judgment," sez he. I felt dubersome, but bein' so mellered in sperit by his consentin' to build the cottage I didn't stand out.

"I know it, Josiah; you've acted luny about it. And if jest hearin' about it harrers your nerve so, what would seein' it do?" "My nerve ain't harrered," he sez. Sez I, "Can you deny I have had to give you quarts of catnip after you have had a seancy with Serenus about that frivolous spot, full of hilarity and temptation?"

"Young luny, I suspect," he muttered to himself, then said aloud: "Well, the Strand doesn't lead to 'eaven so far as I have noticed, rather t'other way indeed. But if you want Grosvenor Square, it's over there," and he waved his hand vaguely towards the west. "Thank you," said Godfrey, taking off his hat with much politeness.

"Ginger Nut," said I, willing to enlist the smallest suffrage in my behalf, "what do you think of it?" "I think, sir, he's a little luny," replied Ginger Nut with a grin. "You hear what they say," said I, turning towards the screen, "come forth and do your duty." But he vouchsafed no reply. I pondered a moment in sore perplexity. But once more business hurried me.

"You wus in the right on it, Samantha, he did asscend: he went up!" And agin he snickered loud. And says I coldly, cold as ice almost, "If I wuzn't a perfect luny, or idiot, I'd talk as if I knew sunthin'. You know I said that, as one who allegores. If you have found Elburtus Gansey, I'd say so, and done with it." "Wall," says he, "you wuz in the right of it, and that is what tickles me.

My father and the rest of 'em went out in the boat we waited and we waited and they didn't come back.... They never come back none of them only a crazed luny, Bill Tregothny 'e was washed up against the rocks down to Bosillian and 'e were just livin' ... And when it come daylight," Mr.

Dowager up in the Square having the same devil's luck with her man as Molly Elliott down in the Alley has with hers. I wonder if you're all alike. No, for there's the Bishop. He had taken her hand sympathizingly, forgivingly, but his silence made me curious. I knew he wouldn't let the old lady believe for a moment I was luny, if once he could be sure himself that I wasn't.

Tarleton's gone home, his trick being over. He was the best missionary I ever struck, and now, it seems, he's parsonising down Somerset way. Well, that's best for him; he'll have no Kanakas there to get luny over. My public-house? Not a bit of it, nor ever likely. I'm stuck here, I fancy.

"That's why they chucked the stuff overboard to bring us to terms, and never thinkin' they'd starve first. They were dead luny, but we're lunier." They stopped the engines and visited the schooner in the dory. Not a scrap of food was there, and the fish-kettle was scraped bright. They returned and went on. With plenty of coal there was still six days' run ahead to New York.