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But Mrs Meddlechip was far too ladylike and fashionable for troubling about such things oh dear, no she left all these dry facts to Ebenezer, who could speak about them in his own pompous, blatant style at public meetings.

Braulard takes the name of Vandeloup and makes money; he comes to Melbourne, lives there a year, he is in want of money, he is in despair; at the theatre he overhears a plan which will give him money, but he needs capital despair again, he will never get it. Aha! Fate once more intervenes- -he sees M. Kestrike, now Meddlechip, he will ask him for the money, and the question is, will he get it?

'Yes, yes! retorted Gaston, impatiently; 'but who are they? 'The long one is Fell, the railway contractor, said Barty, glancing with some surprise at Vandeloup, 'and the other is old Meddlechip, the millionaire. 'Meddlechip, echoed Vandeloup, as if to himself; 'my faith! 'Yes, broke in Bellthorp, quickly; 'the one we were speaking of at the club do you know him?

'To please me, urged M. Vandeloup, persuasively; whereupon Meddlechip took one, and having lighted it puffed away evidently under protest, while the billow opened the new bottle of wine, freshened up the glasses, and then rolled majestically out of the door, like a tidal wave. 'Now then for the story, said M. Vandeloup, leaning back luxuriously on the sofa, and blowing a cloud of smoke.

He remonstrated with Adele, no use; he offered to fight a duel with the perfidious Kestrike, no use; the thief was a coward. 'No, cried Meddlechip, rising, 'no coward. 'I say, yes! said Vandeloup, crossing to him, and forcing him back in his chair; 'he betrayed his friend and refused to give him the satisfaction of a gentleman. What did Braulard do? Rest quiet? No. Revenge his honour? Yes!

Philanthropy now builds almshouses and hospitals, and rails at poverty if it has too much pride to occupy them. And what indeed, has poverty to do with pride? it's far too sumptuous and expensive an article, and can only be possessed by the rich, who can afford to wear it because it is paid for. Mr Meddlechip was rich, so he bought a large stock of pride, and wore it everywhere.

Meddlechip paid the bill without making further objections, and then they both left Leslie's with the same precautions as had attended their entry. They walked slowly down Bourke Street, and parted at the corner, Meddlechip going to Toorak, while Vandeloup got into a cab and told the man to drive to Richmond, then lit a cigarette and gave himself up to reflection as he drove along.

Released from Mrs Meddlechip, Gaston went in search of Kitty, and found her flirting with Felix Rolleston, who was amusing her with his gay chatter. 'This is a deuced good-looking chappie, said Mr Rolleston, fixing his eyeglass in his eye and looking critically at Gaston as he approached them; 'M. Vandeloup, isn't it? Kitty said it was.

'I swear, said Meddlechip, loudly, raising his hand, 'I swear 'Oh, fie! observed M. Vandeloup, in a shocked tone; 'an old man like you should not swear; it's very wrong, I assure you; besides, with a disparaging glance, 'you are not suited to melodrama.

This magnificent creature, who answered to the name of Gurchy, received Vandeloup's orders with a majestic bend of his head, then rolling up to Mr Meddlechip, he presented the bill of fare to that gentleman, who, however, refused it. 'I don't want any supper, he said, curtly. Gurchy, though a waiter, was human, and looked astonished, while Vandeloup remonstrated in a suave manner.