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I have made my excuses already too long, and will conclude in the words of Erasmus: Vulgus sentit quod lingua Latina, non convenit foeminis, quia parum facit ad tuendam illarum pundicitiam, quoniam rarum et insolitum est foeminam scire Latinam; attamen consuetudo omnium malarum rerum magistra.

Profluebant per frontem sudantem acaciae rivi, et inter rugas malarum tantum erat cretae, ut putares detectum parictum nimbo laborare. Non tenui ego diutius lacrimas, sed ad ultiman, perductus tristitiam. "Quaeso," inquam, "domina, certe embasicoetan iusseras dari." Complosit illa tenerius manus et "O" inquit "homincm acutum atque urbanitatis vernaculae fontem.

I conceive that the example of the pleasure of the chase would be more proper; wherein though the pleasure be less, there is the higher excitement of unexpected joy, giving no time for the reason, taken by surprise, to prepare itself for the encounter, when after a long quest the beast starts up on a sudden in a place where, peradventure, we least expected it; the shock and the ardour of the shouts and cries of the hunters so strike us, that it would be hard for those who love this lesser chase, to turn their thoughts upon the instant another way; and the poets make Diana triumph over the torch and shafts of Cupid: "Quis non malarum, quas amor curas habet, Haec inter obliviscitur?"