United States or Venezuela ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

J. I. MABEE, Colonel, Medical Corps, Division Surgeon. January 17, 1918. The Salvation Army, New York: As Inspector General of the First Division I have inspected all the Salvation Army huts in this Division area and I am glad to inform you that your work here is a well-earned success. Your huts are warm, dry, light, and, I believe, much appreciated by all the men in this Division.

I learned that our division had been badly cut up, but that the Canadians were given credit for having saved the situation. Our transport and quartermaster stores and baggage had been terribly shelled in their quarters at Ypres. On the way out a shell had exploded in front of our mess-cart occupied by Captain Mabee, the paymaster, and had killed the horse and smashed the rig.

I want to give you half this ship. Mabee I'll do the square thing and give you the whole of the tub yet. All I want is for you to go along with me on a voyage of discovery be my helper, secretary, partner, friend anything. What de ye say? Say! he yelled again, before I could answer, 'tell ye what I'll do! Bless me if if I don't adopt ye; that's what I'll do.

"Dey take mine," she said, "and now dey keel heem, an' white man, he yappy yappy yappy; not do not do any t'ing! He send for Mount' P'lice, mabee no do anyt'ing unless Indian man . . . he keel." The little hiss of breath again and a cunning mad look in the eyes. "Go 'way Calamity! Go home to our ranch house!" By and by, came Wayland.

Whaley as keeps the 'Farmers. Well she rote to Hannah and me to send her up some chickins and duks and eggs and butter and other fresh frutes and vegetubbles, which she sez as they doo ask sich onlawful prices for em in the city markits as she cant conshuenshusly giv it. So she wants Hannah and me to soopli her. And mabee we may and mabee we maynt; but that's nyther here nur there.

The only difficulty which arose out of the situation was the division of jurisdiction between the Railway Commission of Canada and the Interstate Commerce Commission of the United States. The heads of the two commissions, Mr Justice Mabee for Canada and Mr Knapp for the United States, endeavoured in 1910 to work out a plan for joint control, but without final success.