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The holy All-in-all be wi' her i' the dark, or whatever comes! O God, hand up her heid, and latna the watters gang ower her!" So-called Theology rose, dull, rampant, and indignant; but the solemn face of the dead interdicted dispute, and Love was ready to hope, if not quite to believe.

O God, latna the sunshiny Mammon creep intil my Cosmo's hert an' mak a' mirk; latna the licht that is in him turn to darkness.

And hearken, David, but latna baith lugs hear 't, for dreid the tane come ower't again to the tither I'm doobtin the drink's gettin a sair grup o' her! ''Deed I wudna be nane surprised! returned David. 'Whatever micht want in at her door, there's naething inside to baud it oot. It canna be 'at witchcraft's clean dune awa wi'! 'Bonny, Dawvid! Ca'd ye the mistress bonny?

Ye think it's a' ait an' play! Gang awa' wi' ye, an' latna me see the face o' ye again, or I s' ca' to them 'at 'll tak accoont o' ye." "Hoot, man!" returned Cosmo, and went on turning the ground over, "ye're unco hard upon a neebor!" "Neebor! ye're no neebor o' mine! Gang awa' wi' ye, I tell ye!" "Did naebody never gie' YOU a helpin' han','at ye're sae dooms hard upo' ane 'at needs ane?"

Na, I'm no blamin Jeemie, Lord; I'm no cryin oot upo him; for ye ken weel hoo little I ken aboot him: he never opened the buik o' his hert to me! Oh God, grant that he hae naething to hide; but gien he has, Lord, pluck it oot o' 'im, and him oot o' the glaur! latna him stick there.