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Na, I'm no blamin Jeemie, Lord; I'm no cryin oot upo him; for ye ken weel hoo little I ken aboot him: he never opened the buik o' his hert to me! Oh God, grant that he hae naething to hide; but gien he has, Lord, pluck it oot o' 'im, and him oot o' the glaur! latna him stick there.

I hae thoucht mony a time it luikit, in places, unco like braiss. But Is' tak it the morn's mornin' to Jeemie Merson. We'll see what he says til 't. Gien ony body i' these pairts hae ony authority in sic maitters, it's Jeemie. An' I thank ye hertily, Grizzie."

They had gone on hoping, and hoping in vain, for some holy, lovely change in him; but at last had to confess it a relief when he left the house, and went to Edinburgh. But the occasion to which I refer was long before that. The two children were in bed and asleep, and the parents were lying then, as they lay now, sleepless. "Hoo's Jeemie been gettin on the day?" said his father.

"Father," he replied in a tone of some injury, "you do not know how difficult it is to preach a fresh sermon every Sunday!" "Ca' ye yon fresh, Jeemie? To me it was like the fuistit husks o' the half-faimisht swine! Man, I wuss sic provender would drive yersel whaur there's better and to spare! Yon was lumps o' brose in a pig-wash o' stourum!

"Weel, Jeemie," said his father, shaking hands with him limply, "yon was some steeve parritch ye gied us this mornin! and the meal itsel was baith auld and soor!"

An' gin ye drive them to Jock Thamson's, or Jeemie Deuk's, it'll be just like savin' the word, I dinna inten' 't for sweirin', guid kens! I say it'll just be dammin' them afore their time, like the puir deils. Hech! but it'll come sune eneuch, an' they're muckle to be peetied!"

"Doobtless: the Makker has taen a heap o' pains wi the skin! Ony gait, yon lassie's ane amang ten thoosan! Jeemie sud be on his k-nees til her this vera moment no sitting there glowerin as gien his twa een war twa bullets fired aff, but never won oot o' their barrels!" "Hoot! wad ye hae him gang on his k-nees til ony but the Ane!"

I s' warran' Frostie says mair in ae half-hoor to his tyke, nor Jeemie has said to you or me sin' first he gaed to the college!" "Bairns is whiles a queer kin' o' a blessin!" remarked the mother. "But, eh, Peter! it's what may lie ahint the silence that frichts me!" "Lass, ye're frichtin me noo! What div ye mean?" "Ow naething!" returned Marion, bursting into tears.

It wud tak' a gey pair o' weengs to cairry Ribekka, I tell ye. "A'ye genna gie's a kiss, Ribekka?" Jeems says after a whilie; an' Ribekka gae a bit geegle, an' then whispers laich in, "Help yoursel', Jeemie" an' there they were at it like twa young anes.

It was a fine nicht, but dreidfu' cauld. Juist as I was gaitherin' up the twa-three bit duds, I heard voices ower the dyke, an' I cudna but harken to see wha wud be oot at that time o' nicht. Fancy what I thocht when I heard Beek Steein's voice, that bides in Mistress Mollison's garret, sayin', "Eh, ay, Jeemie; it's an awfu' thing luve. I hinna steekit 'an e'e for twa nichts thinkin' aboot ye."