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Accordingly about the middle of the Epistle, a dilemma occurs from which no escape or deliverance is possible, except by an almighty falsehood. Take the leap Pope must, or else he must turn back when half-way through. 'Graecia capta ferum ietorera cepit, et artes Intulit agresti Latio.

Amid it all he chose the best doctrine, and he was undoubtedly doing good to his countrymen in thus representing to them in their native language the learning by which they might best be softened. "Græcia capta ferum victorem cepit, et artes. Intulit agresti Latio." Here, too, he explains his own conduct in a beautiful passage.

Moreover, to the lot of the praiseworthy Emperor Claudius befell this line of Virgil, written in the Sixth of his Aeneids Tertia dum Latio regnantem viderit aestas. Whilst the third summer saw him reign, a king In Latium. And in effect he did not reign above two years.

SENTIAM: future indicative. PERACTIO: the noun is said to occur only here in Cic.; cf. however 64 peragere; 70. HAEC ... DICEREM: the same words occur at the end of the Laelius; for habeo quod dicam Cic. often says habeo dicere, as in Balb. 34. Horace, Ep. 2, 1, 156: Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit, et artes Intulit agresti Latio. De Off. 1, 1 2: philosophandi scientiam concedens multis etc.

The return showed a force of seven hundred thousand foot, and seventy thousand horse. Polybius mentions this muster. Hannibal crosses the Alps and invades Italy. Quid debeas, 0 Roma, Neronibus, Testis Metaurum flumen, et Hasdrubal Devictus, et pulcher fugatis Ille dies Latio tenebris,

The second thing, which," he said, "would be a great help and advantage to a casuist, was a convenient knowledge of the nature and obligation of laws in general: to know what a law is; what a natural and a positive law; what's required to the 'latio, dispensato, derogatio, vel abrogalio legis; what promulgation is antecedently required to the obligation of any positive law; what ignorance takes off the obligation of a law, or does excuse, diminish, or aggravate the transgression: For every case of conscience being only this 'Is this lawful for me, or is it not? and the law the only rule and measure by which I must judge of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of any action; it evidently follows, that he who, in these, knows not the nature and obligation of laws, never can be a good casuist, or rationally assure himself or others, of the lawfulness or unlawfulness of actions in particular."

The lilt of his lines is capable of ringing, and does so again and again, into something very like the thrill and resonance of the Grand Manner. Listen for it especially in the third and fourth lines of this: Quid debeas, o Roma, Neronibus Testis Metaurum flumen et Hasdrubal Devictus, et pulcher fugatis Ille dies Latio tenebris.