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"Since your mother is an Englishwoman, why do you not speak English with more facility?" "Maman est morte, il y a dix ans." "And you do homage to her memory by forgetting her language. Have the goodness to put French out of your mind so long as I converse with you keep to English." "C'est si difficile, monsieur, quand on n'en a plus l'habitude." "You had the habitude formerly, I suppose?

This is the piece that Benjamin Franklin made into boarding-school French, such as you see here; don't expect too much; the mistakes give a relish to it, I think. Ces Societes la sont une Institution pour suppleer aux besoins d'esprit et de coeur de ces individus qui ont survecu a leurs emotions a l'egard du beau sexe, et qui n'ont pas la distraction de l'habitude de boire.

In the dictionary it figures, inter alia, as "a kind of light silken stuff." And, as Dumas fils sagely sums it up in "Le Demi-Monde": "Dans le mariage, quand l'amour existe, l'habitude le tue, et quand il n'existe pas elle le fait naitre." It was with melancholy amusement that I read in the scientific journals that sewer-gas was comparatively innocuous.

This is the piece that Benjamin Franklin made into boarding-school French, such as you see here; don't expect too much; the mistakes give a relish to it, I think. Ces Societes la sont une Institution pour suppleer aux besoins d'esprit et de coeur de ces individus qui ont survecu a leurs emotions a l'egard du beau sexe, et qui n'ont pas la distraction de l'habitude de boire.

"Don't be afraid!" cried the peasant in his clumsy Valaisian French, and returned, returning along the plank that seemed quite sufficiently loaded without him, extending a charitable hand. "Damn!" whispered Benham, but he took the hand. Afterwards, rather ignobly, he tried to explain in his public-school French. "Pas de peur," he said. "Pas de peur. Mais la tete, n'a pas l'habitude."

L'Abbe etant un profond politique, la tourna sur l'administration, quand on fut au desert: et comme par caractere, par humeur, par l'habitude d'admirer Tite Live, il ne prise que le systeme republicain, il se mit a vanter l'excellence des republiques; bien persuade que le savant Anglois l'approuveroit en tout, et admireroit la profondeur de genie qui avoit fait deviner tous ces avantages a un Francois.

Bien des jugements portes sont ceux dont j'ai l'habitude de gratifier mes amis, et, comme il y a toujours, 'a great deal of human nature in mankind; je n'apprecie que mieux votre livre a cause de cela. A quelques exceptions pres, par exemple, la fin du chapitre 'on Truth, je vois les choses comme vous, mais certains prejuges sont bien inveteres dans l'esprit de vos compatriotes.

Afterwards Napoleon asked many questions about the Cortes, and when Lord John told him that many of the members made good speeches on abstract questions, but they failed when any practical debate on finance or war took place, Napoleon drily remarked: 'Oui, faute de l'habitude de gouverner. Presently the talk drifted to Wellington, or rather Napoleon adroitly led it thither.