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In various ways Bancroft attempted to draw him into conversation in vain. The Elder answered in monosyllables, or not at all. Presently he entered the woods on the left, and soon halted before the shoot-entrance to a roughly-built corral. "The kyows is yonder," he remarked; "ef you'll drive them hyar, I'll count them as they come in."

His greeting, a mere nod, had not prepared the schoolmaster for the question: "Kin you drive kyows?" "I think so; I've done it as a boy." "Wall, to-day's Saturday. There ain't no school, and I've some cattle to drive to the scales in Eureka. They're in the brush yonder, ef you'd help. That is, supposin' you've nothin' to do." "No. I've nothing else to do, and shall be glad to help you if I can."

His greeting, a mere nod, had not prepared the schoolmaster for the question: "Kin you drive kyows?" "I think so; I've done it as a boy." "Wall, to-day's Saturday. There ain't no school, and I've some cattle to drive to the scales in Eureka. They're in the brush yonder, ef you'd help. That is, supposin' you've nothin' to do." "No. I've nothing else to do, and shall be glad to help you if I can."

In various ways Bancroft attempted to draw him into conversation in vain. The Elder answered in monosyllables, or not at all. Presently he entered the woods on the left, and soon halted before the shoot-entrance to a roughly-built corral. "The kyows is yonder," he remarked; "ef you'll drive them hyar, I'll count them as they come in."