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They've no spirit, and plaguy little sympathy with the country, and I'll tell you the reason on it. There are a good many people there from other parts, and always have been, who come to make money and nothin else, who don't call it home, and don't feel to home, and who intend to up killoch and off, as soon as they have made their ned out of the Blue Noses.

It's a pity you wasn't availed of this truth, afore you up killoch and off; take my advice and bide where you be. "Well, the fishermen are jist as bad. The next time you go into the fish market at Halifax, stump some of the old hands; says you 'how many fins has a cod, at a word? and I'll liquidate the bet if you lose it.

They've no spirit, and plaguy little sympathy with the country, and I'll tell you the reason on it. There are a good many people there from other parts, and always have been, who come to make money and nothin' else, who don't call it home, and don't feel to home, and who intend to up killoch and off, as soon as they have made their ned out of the Bluenoses.

So, what with Marm Lecain's carpets in the house, and other folks' waistcoats in the street, its too nice a location for me, I guess, so I shall up killoch and off to morrow to the TREE-mont. Now, says the Professor, the St.

It's a pity you was'nt availed of this truth, afore you up killoch and off take my advice and bide where you be. Well the fishermen are jist as bad. The next time you go into the fish market at Halifax, stump some of the old hands; says you "how many fins has a cod at a word," and I'll liquidate the bet if you lose it.