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It's a pretty Province I tell you, good above and better below; surface covered with pastures, meadows, woods, and a nation sight of water privileges, and under the ground full of mines it puts me in mind of the soup at the TREE-mont House.

Well, he roared like a bull, till black Lucretia, one of the house-helps, let him go, and they looked into all the gentlemen's rooms and found nobody; so I got out of that 'ere scrape. So, what with Marm Lecain's carpets in the house, and other folks' waistcoats in the street, it's too nice a location for me, I guess, so I shall up killock and off tomorrow to the TREE-mont."

So, what with Marm Lecain's carpets in the house, and other folks' waistcoats in the street, its too nice a location for me, I guess, so I shall up killoch and off to morrow to the TREE-mont. Now, says the Professor, the St.

It's a pretty Province I tell you, good above and better below; surface covered with pastures, meadows, woods, and a 'nation sight of water privileges, and under the ground full of mines it puts me in mind of the soup at the TREE-mont House.

Says he, 'Slick, where do you get your grub today? 'At General Peep's tavern, says I. 'Only fit for niggers, says he, 'why don't you come to the TREE-mont house, that's the most splendid thing, it's generally allowed, in all the world. 'Why, says I, 'that's a notch above my mark; I guess it's too plagy dear for me, I can't afford it no how. 'Well, says he, 'it's dear in one sense, but it's dog cheap in another it's a grand place for speculation.

One day I was a walkin in the Mall, and who should I meet but Major Bradford, a gentleman from Connecticut, that traded in calves and pumpkins for the Boston market. Says he, Slick, where do you get your grub to-day? At General Peep's tavern, says I; only fit for niggers, says he, why don't you come to the TREE-mont house, that's the most splendid thing its generally allowed in all the world.