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The Bohemian looked at him with astonishment, the thought crossed his mind: Maybe he has quarrelled with Jurandowna, and this seemed to him most likely, because she had gone away.

The prior invited Zbyszko to remain and pass the night in the monastery; but he would not, because he wanted to hang in front of the inn an inscription challenging all knights who denied that Panna Danuta Jurandowna was the most beautiful and the most virtuous girl in the kingdom, to a combat on horseback or on foot. It was not proper to hang such a challenge over the gate of the monastery.

All his thoughts now turned to Danusia Jurandowna. He belonged to her without any doubt; but for her, he would have been beheaded on the Krakowski square. When she said in the presence of the knights and burghers: "He is mine!" she rescued him from the hands of the executioners; from that time, he belonged to her, as a slave to his master. Jurand's opposition was useless.

Afterward he was sent to the prince's court on some secret mission, and having perceived the beautiful Jurandowna, he conceived a violent passion for her, to which even Danusia's extreme youth was no check. But Danveld also knew to what family the girl belonged, and Jurand's name was united in his memory with a painful reminiscence.

As for Jurandowna, about whom you have heard, I will tell you this: there is no wood growing for a bed for the other girl." "If he prefers the other girl, then I do not care about him," answered Jagienka, through her tears. "Then why do you, weep?" "Because I am afraid for him." "Woman's sense!" said the abbot, laughing.

But it is a fact that he killed people, and the Knights of the Cross are ready to swear that they never abducted Panna Jurandowna, and that is an exceedingly difficult affair.

The abbot gave him another blow. "Then, take her!" "Take her!" exclaimed Macko, like an echo. At this Zbyszko gathered up his hair, put it in the net, and answered quietly: "How can I take her, when before the altar in Tyniec, I made a vow to Danusia Jurandowna?" "You made a vow about the peacock's tufts, and you must get them, but take Jagienka immediately."

"Before it comes to anything," said Zygfried to himself, "I shall die, and it may also be that Jurandowna will grow old in the prison of the Knights of the Cross.

"I believe he will not find it," interrupted Macko. "Just as one cannot drive a nail without a hammer, so are man's wishes without the will of God." "What are you talking about?" cried Jagienka. But Macko replied with another query. "Did he say to you that Zbyszko went for Jurandowna? It seems to me that he did."

"Not exactly, but he heard them talk of a certain place called Ragniec, which castle is situated not far from the Lithuanian or Zmudz frontiers." "What did Macko say concerning that?" "Pan Macko told me the following day: 'If it is so, then I can and will find her, but I must hasten to Zbyszko, to see that he is not entrapped by them through Jurandowna as they did with Jurand.